Why Values (Not Perks) Define Your Startup Culture

values perks define startup culture

Entrepreneurship has exploded in the U.S. market in recent years. According a recent Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) report, there are now over twenty four million entrepreneurs in the U.S., making up 14% of the total population.

There may be a number of contributing factors to this trend. Entrepreneurs are often cited as modern day adventurers and explorers. They are willing to takes risks and push innovation. And for many, they exemplify the American Dream. That is, everyone has the opportunity to be successful, no matter how you started or where you might be from.

Unfortunately, glamorizing entrepreneurs—while flattering—doesn’t tell the whole story of what founding and growing a sustainable company entails.

Despite the number of entrepreneurs in the U.S., the country now ranks 12th among developed nations in terms of business startup activity. American business deaths now outnumber business births, according to Gallup and the U.S. Census Bureau.

source: Gallup
source: Gallup

As a leader of a growing startup, there are some brutal realities to face. These can include challenges obtaining capital to drive growth, an inability to attract the right talent, or the constant struggle of trying to manage an organization that looks fundamentally different every six months.

In order to grow a successful organization, knowing where to spend your limited resources is critical to success. Startups—especially in Silicon Valley—are often lauded for their culture. And unfortunately, “culture” in this case is many times defined by a set of borderline unbelievable perks.

You Are Not Your Perks.

With so much on the line for your growing business, you cannot put your perks above what you value. Perks seem great at the start, but they tend to lose their luster over time, leaving you with little of substance to sustain engagement, excitement and purpose.

With competitors grappling to offer some wild new perk in an attempt to attract talent, companies are getting sucked into a doom loop. Everyone will end up losing as they try to keep up with the Jones. The perks that were once on the cutting edge become the standard expectation, which only serves to put startups in an even worse position to compete for talent and sustain growth.

Additionally, many startups lack the capital to offer these types of perks, let alone sustain them over time. This puts them at a disadvantage compared to their larger, more established competitors.

Finally, perks and incentives are, by their nature, a manifestation of the core values of an organization. By offering endless perks, startups can send messages about what is valued that may have unintended consequences in the long-term. This can be a real problem if those messages are in conflict with your core beliefs or if those perks are being used as a replacement for core values.

By defining your values and culture based on the perks you offer, you’re sending the message that your company values following the latest trends rather than a being intentional about the deeper beliefs of your company culture. Employees may be left without any clear direction for how business should be done, how customers should be served and what it means to be a member of the team.

This is not to say that all perks are bad. Quite the contrary. Perks can help reinforce meaningful values and help drive the behaviors that are required to yield success in the next chapter of your startup’s journey. When used thoughtfully, in conjunction and in direct reinforcement of your organization’s core values, these perks can prove to be both sustainable and truly meaningful.

Rallying your team around a meaningful purpose and supporting that with appropriate perks is not only a more sustainable way to drive growth. It ensures that the people you attract are people who are joining you for the right reasons.

Values can have deep and lasting meaning for people, giving them a higher purpose. This is something that perks alone can never do.

This article originally appeared on Forbes.


What Are The Benefits Of Flexible Work Arrangements?

flexible work arrangements

The landscape at work has changed drastically over the last several decades. According to the United States Department of Labor, women constituted 47% of the workforce in 2012, up from 38% in 1980. Employees over 55 years old have grown from 12% of the workforce in 1992 to 21% in 2012, and are projected to make up 26% of the workforce by 2022.

Additionally, a telephone survey commissioned by Flex+Strategy Group / Work+Life Fit, Inc. in December 2013 found that 31% of respondents reported they do most of their work away from their employer’s location, including home, coffee shops, and business centers.

With this changing workforce has come the need for changing workplace policies. At a time when many organizations are looking for non-monetary benefits and perks to attract and retain employees, flexible work arrangements should be part of the solution, benefitting employees as well as their employing organizations.

Defining Flexible Work Arrangements

This may leave you wondering, “What are flexible work arrangements?” While telecommuting may be first thing that comes to mind, there are several categories of flexible work arrangement that have emerged over time:

1. Flexible location. This describes where work is done. Rather than working from a standard office, this can include work from home, a satellite office, a coworking space, a client site, a coffee shop, or while traveling. A flexible location arrangement is a great tool for retaining workers who do not live near the employer’s office or cannot make it into the office on a regular basis.

This benefits remote workers who don’t live near the office, must move away from the office, or can only commute to the office a few days a week. For instance, an employee might live in rural Minnesota but work for an organization based in Chicago, or an employee may need to move away from the DC-based office to be near family in Houston.

2. Flexible schedule. This describes when work is done. It can include compressed workweeks (i.e., four ten-hours work days, instead of five eight-hour workdays), alternative schedules (e.g., 10am to 7pm or 7am to 3pm during the workweek), or the ability to shift work with arrangements made to fit the employee’s needs.

Flexible schedules work well for those who have other commitments that prevent them from working a standard workday. For example, a parent may work while his/her child is at school and finish the workday after their child goes to sleep. Another employee might live on the west coast and work for a company on the east coast, and start his/her workday at 7am so he has more overlap with his coworkers on the east coast. Another employee may start his workday at 11am so he can use the morning to train for his upcoming Iron Man Competition.

3. Flexible hours. This describes the amount of hours worked, and can include part time work, job shares, and other alternatives to the 40-hour workweek. This type of flexibility accommodates individuals who need to work less than full time, or at times other than the “standard” 9 to 5.

For example, an employee may be of retirement age, but still want or need to work, so they may choose to work in a part time capacity. An employee may wish to work on weekends, or take night shifts, so they can be available to take care of his or her family during the week, while another may work part time during the day to make ends meet while they pursue their own passions.

An individual employee may take advantage of one or more of the types of flexibility, either simultaneously (e.g., working part time from home) or at different times of the week (e.g., work part time with one work from home day a week,).

The Benefits of Flexible Work Arrangements

flexible work arrangementsWhile millennial’s workplace expectations have been discussed as a driving force behind increasing flexibility in the workplace, all generations of employees can benefit from increasing availability of flexible work arrangements.

Such arrangements can afford employees the time and ability to meet the needs of their lives outside of the office, something that may be more valuable to them than monetary benefits or office perks. Working caregivers, such as parents or those responsible for aging parents, can benefit greatly from flexible work arrangements. From picking children up from school to taking a parent or spouse to an appointment, flexible work arrangements enable individuals to balance the demands of their personal lives while still fulfilling their duties as an employee.

Organizations stand to benefit from flexible work arrangements, too. And many of these benefits are discussed by SHRM at length.

Organization may be able to retain employees that they would otherwise have to let go. For example, an employee who becomes a primary care giver can utilize an alternative work schedule or reduced hours, and an employee who must move for his or her spouse’s job can work remotely.

Research also demonstrates that work arrangement flexibility can lead employees to have higher levels of job satisfaction, engagement, and performance through increased control over when and where work gets done. It allows employees to make decisions to better fit their work and work styles.

Flexible work arrangements can also result in less absenteeism and fewer accidents because employees have more flexibility to take care of responsibilities outside of work, work from home when sick (which has the added benefit of not getting others sick), and choosing to work when they are most able to do so safely and productively.

Flexible work arrangements can be an important part of creating a dynamic and diverse workplace. They can help your organization and your employees manage the competing demands of daily life. How have you integrated flexible work arrangements into your benefits package?

Employee Engagement Is Not The Problem

employee engagement problem

Virtually every article about employee engagement I’ve read recently includes the same or similar stats. 87% of today’s business leaders cite culture and engagement as one of their top concerns (Deloitte). Only 13% of the global workforce is engaged (Gallup). And while these should still be alarming for any business leader, these stats alone don’t tell the whole story.

Engagement is often looked at as a stand-alone problem. It’s assumed that by ‘solving’ employee engagement in your company, you will suddenly have a more productive, higher performing, workforce.

But real employee engagement is woven into many other aspects of the organization, including leadership, culture, communication, and development. When you begin to change one of these, it creates a ripple that affects many others.

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Customer Experience And The Hidden Dangers Of The Comfort Trap

customer experience and the comfort trap

The comfort trap. It happens all the time and, to a great extent, it goes unnoticed—to everyone but our customers. We don’t do it intentionally and we don’t do it because it’s the right thing to do. We do it because we are continuously trying to find ways to make our own work lives easier.

In fact, it happened to me just recently at my local fitness club. Upon checking in, the host issued me a locker room key and I proceeded to change into my workout clothes.

Now, I’ve been around long enough to know that there’s not much in life that one can count on, but men can be reasonably confident that they’ll be assigned a locker directly next to the one other guy who happens to be changing at the same time, even when the entire rest of the facility is empty. Nine out of ten times this mysterious coincidence results in a joke between the two people who are stumbling over each other to cram their gear into their lockers while the other fifty feet of locker room sit empty. In fact, this has happened to me and everyone else I know so many times at multiple fitness centers over the years that I began to really try to understand what was behind it.

It makes perfect sense when you think about it, actually. In an effort to stay organized, the person at the front desk issues locker keys in numerical order. It keeps things orderly and efficient for them. What they fail to understand is the impact this has on the customer.

customer experience and the comfort trapHere’s another example: Many years ago I was working with the members of the student counseling center of a large university. During our assessment we came to the realization that staff members were decorating their offices to suit their own style and comfort in an effort to make themselves feel more at home. Unfortunately, the effect on their student customers was anything but. Students felt uncomfortable entering these spaces because they felt as if they were trespassing into someone else’s personal space. The counselors obviously were not intentionally trying to cause distress for their clients. In fact, this ran exactly counter to their goals.

For everything you do, ask yourself; is it for your comfort or theirs? These are two minor examples of how our drive toward efficiency and order in our work may have unintended consequences on the customers that we are trying to serve.

How to Avoid the Comfort Trap

Here are a few things you may want to consider before patting yourself on the back for your perfect, and fully optimized process.

  1. Analyze it from multiple stakeholder perspectives. Just as the examples above highlight processes that work for employees but not for customers, there are just as many examples of this working in reverse. Processes that work very well for customers may leave employees having to leap tall buildings in a single bound to deliver day-to-day. A great way to help ensure that you take into account diverse perspectives is to ask these stakeholders to help you develop the processes from the start. It may take a little longer initially but it can help you avoid costly unintended consequences down the road.
  2. Create continuous feedback loops. Organizations that are able to obtain in-the-moment feedback from their stakeholders and adapt their ways of working quickly are at a distinct advantage in the market. These organizations are able to correct deficiencies and move to a vantage point where they can anticipate future challenges and preemptively address them before they have a chance to sour the experience of a key stakeholder group.
  3. Create a safe space for soliciting feedback. While some organizations have established enough trust with their stakeholders that this isn’t an issue, others may not be able to get the feedback they need if they take this on themselves. In the case of the student counseling center, it took an unbiased third party investigator to create a safe enough space for the students to feel comfortable voicing their discomfort with the décor of the offices.
  4. Immortalize your processes but don’t die by them. These key processes for delivering on your brand promise to all of your stakeholders are not something you should leave to chance. By capturing these processes and expectations, training your team to deliver in a consistent way and holding people accountable to it, you will help ensure that everyone clearly understands their role and responsibilities in the bigger picture. Job aids can also be a great way to help people remember the standards and to be sure that nothing slips through the cracks.

Nobody said business is easy. In our best efforts to drive efficiency and to help reduce the burden on ourselves, we may be inadvertently altering the experience of our customers in ways that we’ve never even considered. Without bringing together the diverse stakeholders that impact or are impacted by your processes, there is no way to ensure that you’re not falling into your own comfort trap.

This article originally appeared on Forbes.

How To Make Training More Impactful During Rapid Growth

training more impactful

Rapidly growing companies, startups or otherwise, are faced with a daunting challenge while they scale. Having the right growth strategy, hiring the right people in the right positions, and having a culture to support them are all crucial elements to sustainable growth.

You may already know that the balance between all of these elements is critical. But there is one component of strategy that is often overlooked in the scale-up discussion for small, growing businesses: Training.

Training as the Linchpin for Growth

training more impactfulTraining is often considered a component of strategy, and is often discussed as part of the balance needed for growth. As your organization grows, you want and need a dynamic, well-trained workforce, and professional development becomes a strategic objective in the company’s overall planning. But there is a place for further–and dare I say more impactful–integration of strategy and training. That is, bringing a strategy component into training.

Integrating your company’s strategy into training ideally produces two key outcomes:

1. Alignment. Your workforce, managers and senior leaders are trained and get better understanding of how strategy works for the company.  This has a positive effect as change (vision, new objectives, etc) is managed across your rapidly growing organization.

Misalignment between culture and strategy can happen in many different ways. For example, if the culture and strategies don’t align, the organizational culture is one of creativity, new possibilities and collaboration, where the strategies are rigid, prescriptive and highly structured. Here, workforce has an opportunity to inform the strategies, helping leadership more effectively tailor the strategies around collaboration and not structure.

Another example exists in the case of an organizational culture that is non-existent or splintered.  There is no hope of aligning with said strategies, because the workforce can’t work effectively together. This provides the organization an opportunity to affect culture change through training, be it related to strategy, process, safety, and/or performance.

2. Input. Your workforce and leadership are provided an opportunity to actually INPUT into the strategic process. For instance, as they learn about vision setting or goal setting, they are brought through an exercise of coming up with goals they can support within the company. This ultimately creates greater buy-in for the entire strategic process. Which, in turn, leads to bottom line results.

Training can potentially act as a bridge to help prepare or refine the culture to understand and buy into the strategy more readily. Furthermore, by integrating strategy into training, real work gets accomplished, and it gives managers the opportunity to talk to their teams after the training, to keep it alive.

At gothamCulture, we talk about culture eating strategy for breakfast. Meaning, you can have all the right strategies in place, but if you don’t have the culture to support them, your best-laid plans go nowhere or mean nothing. Leadership, strategy and culture are inextricably linked, and training may be your untapped conduit for integrating these fundamental business components and help successfully scale your growing company.

Unshackling Silicon Valley From Its Golden Handcuffs

golden handcuffs

Silicon Valley is known for its buzzwords around corporate culture, having adopted (or been labeled with) such terms as “bro culture”, “work hard/play hard culture” and “culture of failure.” Startups that operate at breakneck speed, encouraging all-night hackathons and weekend work retreats, are often held up as shining examples for aspiring young entrepreneurs to follow on the road to success. But the reality is not quite so appealing for those who don’t fit into the strict tech mold, and who don’t buy into the assumption that the only way to succeed is to sell your soul.

Many startups unknowingly reinforce these types of behaviors as they work to keep up with the Joneses (or keep up with the Facebooks in this case). In Silicon Valley’s war for talent, benefits and perks in tech companies have reached a fever pitch, all in the spirit of encouraging employees to stay as close to the company campus for longer.

The “golden handcuffs” that tech companies use to lock down their talent—the beer in the break room, catered lunches and office yoga classes—are beginning to come under fire as tactics for these companies to attempt to squeeze extra hours (and hopefully, productivity) out of some of their most valuable resources; their people.

This is not the case for everyone, however. There are those in the industry who have been intentional about growing their companies in ways that seem to go against the crowd. One such company is npm, a venture-backed startup based in Oakland, CA with over 2.7 million developer users and several major enterprise customers including Wal-Mart, Blizzard, Docusign and Autodesk. The company eliminated catered lunches at the office in favor of company-sponsored outside lunches. Employees are encouraged to prioritize family, and discouraged from working extreme hours or weekends.

I recently had an opportunity to chat with npm’s CEO, Isaac Schlueter to learn about his personal challenges with the tech stereotypes and what he is doing to grow a successful tech startup by bucking the system. Here’s what he had to say:

CC- Tell readers a little bit about npm, what you do, and how you got started.

IS- Before npm, I worked for a handful of well-known software companies like Yahoo and saw a bunch of different approaches to managing a company’s culture over the years.

When I started npm in 2014, I wanted to make sure that we were very intentional about who we were and the way in which we would operate. Many of these values stemmed from my own personal values and, surprising to many, some of these ways of working are in direct misalignment with some of the typical tech startup stereotypes and assumptions about how to succeed.

CC- In your words, what are Silicon Valley’s “Golden Handcuffs”?

IS- Some see the typical benefits associated with tech companies as key in attracting and retaining talent. Others see them as ways to keep driving people toward productivity.

The term golden handcuffs bugs me because it holds several meanings. In one sense, it is defined purely in terms of financial compensation. At npm, we have a bonus-vesting program but we don’t want to provide that along with an expectation that people need to stay in the office for an unhealthy amount of time.

golden-handcuffsI once worked for a company (now out of business) that had catered lunches. But I rarely took part, as I prefer to get up and go outside to get lunch. It gives me a chance to take a mental break. It was against the norms of that culture, and people would often ask me if was okay (thinking that something obvious must be wrong with me to make me leave the office to take a break) whenever I left the office to get lunch. There, people would pile food on their plate and sit down to keep working. Catered lunches were supposed to help with productivity, but without taking a pause, these people tended to make worse decisions in the end.

This is a really hazardous situation with startups. There are always urgent things to deal with and you have to be able to make smart decisions about what urgent things you will prioritize and what you’ll have to live with letting slip by. The ability to think strategically is a matter of life and death and driving continuous, long hours increases the risk of making poor decisions, in my opinion.

CC- How, specifically, do you want the culture at npm to be different? And how are you and your team supporting these goals?

IS- One thing that we did to manage the pressure to work more was to establish an explicit no working on weekends or after-hours policy.

This is a clear set of guidelines about when people are expected to be working and not. Leaders have to live it and set the example for others to make it real for people. And when people do work late or over the weekend despite the policy, we give them feedback, acknowledge their efforts to go above and beyond and encourage them to take a day off the next week. How we as leaders react to behavior reinforces certain things in our company and we have to be ever mindful of that.

Second, our values play out in the day-to-day, which helps shape the culture. For example, we try not to talk over each other in meetings. We keep meetings small, and use a talking stick to help keep conversations inclusive. If more than five people are in attendance, we appoint a moderator to make sure everyone is heard.

This process of slowing down and getting all of the data helps with our decision-making quality and promotes a more grownup approach. It may take longer to make a decision up front, but I don’t want to work in a place where the person who beats their chest loudest is the only one who’s heard. It’s not good for quality decision-making.

Third, unlike many tech cultures, at npm we focus on processes and not people. What I mean by that is there’s not a lot of hero worship going on. We value our people but we focus our attention on refining our processes to help everyone shine, rather than rewarding individual efforts.

A final difference is that we don’t foster a culture where people need to drink with the boss in order to get ahead. I’m sure there are a few beers in the fridge in the break room but alcohol is not a centerpiece of our culture. We realize that there are highly experienced, professional tech workers out there who have families and active social lives outside of work and that many of these people are not interested in working in organizations where those types of behaviors are required to succeed.

We’ve been very intentional about saying that we are different in this way and, while it may prevent certain people from applying to work with us, we attract and retain those people who want what we have to offer.

CC- Why is it important to put your employees work-life balance at the forefront of your employee’s benefits?

IS- In almost any modern company, things have become so cheap that the biggest investment is usually in the people. As business owners, we often feel like we have to get the most out of them as possible. The fatal assumption most people make, however, is that working people harder and harder will yield better results. Unfortunately, more is not necessarily better. It’s counterintuitive, but in order to get the best out of your people you may want to stop driving so hard.

There are a huge variety of problems that stem from pushing these high intensity cultures. People make worse decisions, it drives a pressure to engage in less ethical behavior, etc. You’re now paying a premium for people who are giving you less than 100% in return.

CC- How has your culture at npm impacted your company’s performance?

It’s extremely difficult to measure software development performance. For example, measuring people’s performance based on the number of lines of code they produce just tells you who’s typing more; not who’s making good software.

When starting npm, I had an opportunity to be very methodical and deliberate about the culture and what we stand for. We looked at what we were and where we wanted to go, and realized that we didn’t need to rapidly spew out prototypes.

I stepped back and asked, “what kind of company do I want to work at?” I had observed in previous companies I’d worked at that better ideas were coming out of more introverted environments. Open bars and free lunches didn’t ever make me feel as good as doing great work and living a better and more fulfilling personal life outside of work.

But, the surprising thing is npm has moved faster than any other software team I’ve been a part of. It seems counterintuitive, but by having a strong foundation and clear expectations about how we will get our work done, it actually saves a ton of time in the end.

Hiring is easier here than any other job. npm has great brand recognition among developers. We have lives outside of work. There is a small, noisy minority who hates the idea, but the overwhelming majority of people in the industry are seeing the value and are very attracted to our culture. We see a high caliber of very diverse applicants applying all the time as a result. That breadth and depth of experience would be unattainable without actively supporting the work-life values that we have in our culture.

While there is certainly no shortage of deeply rooted beliefs and assumptions about how tech startups rise to glory, there also exists a subset of tech CEOs who are bucking the trends and stereotypes, intent on proving that there are still better ways to do things that yield the same or better results in terms of performance.  Time will tell as these new practices impact behavior and long-term results, but one thing is for sure: there is no silver bullet recipe that works in all situations.  My conversation with Isaac reinforced for me the critical importance of being intentional about what you stand for and how you align your ways of working with what’s most important to you as a leader.


This article originally appeared on Forbes


3 Things to Know Before Eliminating Performance Evaluations

performance evaluations

The HR scene has been up in arms recently as several large firms; including Deloitte, Accenture and GE have made the decision to eliminate their traditional performance evaluation processes. But before you go storming the gates of your CEO’s office with torches and pitchforks demanding that your organization follow in their footsteps, you may want to step back and consider a few things.

The biggest media splash around the topic came from Accenture, who will be eliminating their annual performance review and ranking process this September. According to the announcement and the subsequent press coverage, they cited empirical research that suggests a lack of clear value, an overwhelming amount of time and energy that’s expended supporting the process each year, and the plain and simple realization that their annual performance review process was failing to drive the performance they are looking for as an organization.

But, Accenture did not say that they are getting rid of the process altogether.  Accenture’s CEO Pierre Nanterme told the Washington Post in a recent interview that, “We’re going to get rid of probably 90 percent of what we did in the past”.

Rather than being a once-a-year process where people are force-ranked, the general sentiment seems to be moving away from structure and administrative burden to more frequent, real-time periodic feedback to let employees know where they stand on an ongoing basis.

And this, like GE’s new real-time performance development process, allows employees and their managers to clarify expectations, provide feedback, and set goals on an ongoing basis throughout the year.

Consider This Before Eliminating Performance Evaluations

I recently spoke with Philip Hendrickson, Chief Talent Strategist at Qwalify, about some of the more important considerations around employee evaluations. Collectively, we came up with the following three critical considerations every leader must know before eliminating performance evaluations in their organization:

1. Consider the importance of feedback. Your employees need feedback. They do. Performance evaluation processes are vital for a company. Done well, they reward certain behaviors and acknowledge business success. They also provide developmental guidance, ensuring that people feel they are growing and learning in their role.

Good programs make employees feel valued and retained. There is no better way to build a positive company culture than on a foundation of transparency and respectful acknowledgment of performance.

2. Know what will replace your current process. If your annual performance evaluation is tied to compensation and incentives, how will you make those decisions if you completely do away with your current process?

Professionals at all levels are used to a process that recognizes quality performance that rewards consistent behaviors. Whether you use formal performance evaluations or not, leaders must ensure that there is something else in place before eliminating their company’s current processes for rewards and recognition.

3. Make sure the new way is an improvement. Most companies view the annual performance process with cynicism. But most of the issues with typical performance processes are with the final ranking that individuals receive, not the evaluation itself. People feel that however hard they strived and pushed themselves during the year, they were still ranked as “meeting expectations.” It takes the wind out of them.

A lack of transparency is another cause of cynicism with many performance evaluations. It creates a feeling that there is some mysterious back room where the real decisions are made and some criteria not related to real performance that tips in favor of some people and not others.

Poor reviews, without clear communication of the process, literally chase employees out the door. Be very cautious how yours is structured and delivered.

How We Manage Performance

Our small firm currently has an annual performance evaluation process and we’ll probably stick with it.  Since our employees work with numerous supervisors on several project teams each year, it’s nice for folks to have a chance to get formal feedback from the Partners and Managing Directors at the end of the year. It’s not a very labor-intensive process and it ensures that people are getting feedback from everyone with whom they interact throughout the year.

That said, because people work on many different project teams over the course of a given year, we rely more heavily on the more frequent, specific feedback employees receive at the conclusion of each project. This feedback is delivered individually with the project lead as well as in a group during the after-action review process. Team members work together to identify the things that went well and those that didn’t go so well, in order to continually refine our processes.

Is There A Better Way?

While it may seem that there isn’t a single person walking the face of the earth who looks forward to annual performance evaluations, it doesn’t mean that performance feedback is not desired. Feedback is essential for driving behavior and success.

The talent marketplace has shifted and more employees have begun looking for other opportunities. When someone doesn’t feel their skills and experience are valued by their employer and they feel that they are not getting the level of feedback on their performance that they need to grow, they are much more likely to take a call from a recruiter.

So before you do away with your evaluation process for good, consider the needs of both your organization and your people. Be intentional about how you evolve your systems and processes to provide a winning formula for providing feedback on a more consistent basis.

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com

Job Crafting: Empowering Employees to Boost Engagement

job crafting

When thinking about ways to encourage employee engagement, many leaders rely on costly interventions, activities, and incentives in an attempt to force engagement through participation. Unfortunately, such approaches can be not only expensive, but also uninspiring and ineffective.

However well intentioned, employees likely won’t buy into these initiatives unless they are already actively engaged in the organization and their own roles within it. Such initiatives are likely to miss the very employees they need to reach the most.

What if organizations empowered their employees to become more engaged on their own? Rather than forced activities and incentives around stringent job roles, what if employers enabled employees to reframe and reimagine their own jobs to better fit their skills and interests, engaging them in a way that makes their work more personally meaningful without top-down intervention?

What Is Job Crafting?

Job crafting is the term organizational researchers use to describe the process through which individuals shape their personal experiences at work to increase meaningfulness, leading to great satisfaction and engagement.

Jane Dutton and her colleague Amy Wrzesniewski originally discovered this phenomenon while studying hospital janitors in hopes of better understanding how individuals cope with jobs that consist of undervalued work. In so doing, the two researchers found that some of the janitorial staff saw themselves at an integral part of the entire hospital care staff, rather than simply janitors.

These janitors, despite having identical job roles to others, went above and beyond. Some befriended patients and their families; others brought tissues, water, or a smile. In short, these janitors continued to do their core tasks (i.e., keeping the hospital clean and tidy) but then chose to expand their responsibilities to include tasks that meant more fulfilling work for them and greater benefits for the patients and the hospital.

So, what does this mean for you and your employees? Even though the work to understand job crafting began with janitors, job crafting enables every working individual to tailor their job to better fit their skills and interests.

The Three Types of Job Crafting

Job crafting falls into three main categories: task crafting, relational crafting, and cognitive crafting.

Task crafting describes how employees modify the responsibilities specified by their job descriptions to increase task significance, variety, or identity. This can be achieved by adding or subtracting tasks, modifying the tasks themselves, or altering the amount of time, energy and attention allocated for particular tasks.

Relational crafting describes how employees modify how, when, or with whom they interact while performing their jobs. This can mean adapting and growing current relationships so that both parties can provide and receive valuable support, and/or building new relationships for increased variety.

Cognitive crafting describes how employees can modify their interpretation of their current tasks and relationships to increase meaningfulness. This can mean thinking about the impacts of smaller tasks in the greater context of your job as a whole. It can mean thinking about individual pieces of a job, like particular relationships or projects that are satisfying and meaningful. It can also mean building connections between tasks or relationships at work with skills, abilities, or interests from outside of work.

Employees each choose to engage in the job crafting behaviors that help them build the job that is right for them.

How to Enable Job Crafting In Your Organization

Here are three guidelines to follow in order support job crafting in your organization.

Don’t micromanage

Employees can engage in job crafting behaviors when they feel like that have the room to do so. Empowering employees by giving them latitude in how they perform their job allows them to carry out their work in ways that are satisfying and meaningful to them.

Lead by Example

Learn to craft your own job by reflecting on what parts of your job you find most meaningful and which are less satisfying. Are there interests, skills, abilities, or relationships you would like to incorporate into your role? By determining what you can modify about your own job to increase your engagement at work, you may motivate others to be thoughtful about how they can craft their work.

Make yourself a resource and a mentor

Even though job crafting is primarily self-driven, you should make yourself available to coach your employees while they learn about, and experiment with job crafting. By serving as a sounding board for new ideas and questions, you can guide employees toward productive behaviors and help them identify what may not be as beneficial to them or their growth. By serving as a resource to your employees, you can help remind them of limits as well as expectations that may affect their decisions.

As a leader, allowing flexibility around job roles and responsibilities might feel daunting. It might also be exciting, yet intimidating to your direct reports. But, by empowering your team to adopt more personally meaningful work into their current roles, you’re showing them that their interests and goals are important to you and the organization as a whole.

By giving them flexibility and guidance, they can ultimately find self-tailored ways to further engage in their own role. And that will be far more effective for them, and your organization in the long term.

Crowdsourcing: Your Key To A More Effective, Engaged Organization?

crowdsourcing engaged organization

If you’re an entrepreneur with a great idea, or leading a company that’s looking for ways to innovate, there may be no better way to gather feedback, acquire funding quickly, or evolve your good idea into the next big thing than by crowdsourcing.

Wired Magazine editors Jeff Howe and Mark Robinson first coined the term “crowdsourcing” in 2005. In 2006, Howe wrote an article that defined crowdsourcing as, “the act of a company or institution taking a function once performed by employees and outsourcing it to an undefined (and generally large) network of people in the form of an open call. This can take the form of peer-production (when the job is performed collaboratively), but is also often undertaken by sole individuals. The crucial prerequisite is the use of the open call format and the large network of potential laborers.”

Since then, the concept and its applications have been rapidly evolving into many different forms, from the collective sourcing of information and ideas (think Wikipedia) to the collective sourcing of investment capital for entrepreneurs (think Kickstarter).

A growing number of organizations, from Dell to NASA, are using crowdsourcing methods to leverage the input of the collective to accomplish real business, scientific, and social outcomes.

Take Quirky for example. This New York-based design firm allows community members to contribute to invention ideas (or submit the ideas themselves) for a partial stake in the upside if and when the product goes to market.  By allowing designers, marketers, inventors and plain old folks who just happen to have a brilliant idea to come together, Quirky provides a way to crowdsource inventions like the Aros, a smart air conditioner originally conjured up by Garthen Leslie.

Through the Quirky platform, Leslie was able to get input from over 1,400 other contributors to help get the Aros from bright idea to the hands of consumers.

Larger corporations are also seeing benefits. General Mills, for example, is crowdsourcing innovative ideas around everything from packaging and product ideas to suggestions about new technology.

The Potential For Crowdsourcing Organizational Development

crowdsourcing engaged organizationWhile many companies like these are beginning to scratch the surface of crowdsourcing as a beneficial mechanism for business purposes, there are many yet untapped benefits to using such a model for organizational development.

By expanding the number of people who can add to the collective insight on a topic, organizations are now able to harness a much broader spectrum of potential ideas, risks, and considerations. The scale of the crowd and their individual skills, experiences and knowledge (oftentimes not directly related to the topic at hand) can help uncover potential solutions that are more unique and helpful than a group of “experts” might ever imagine on their own. Engagement comes naturally through crowdsourcing; helping stakeholders actively contribute and share ideas and input around causes they care about.

The opportunity to use crowdsourcing for other business related efforts, like market research and R&D, also introduces new ways of approaching business processes. We now have the ability to bypass the small group of experts or focus groups to obtain massive amounts of feedback quickly.

With the rapid evolution of technology today, crowdsourcing can be effective on a global scale. The more recent global adoption of mobile technology in particular is opening even more doors to what might be possible.

What Are The Downsides?

Crowdsourcing is certainly not without its critics.

Karim Lakhani’s 2013 article in Harvard Business Review, for example, outlines several key potential challenges to crowdsourcing.  Some of these challenges include:

  1. Organizing the information and input
  2. Fighting the belief that opening up will somehow be detrimental to your business
  3. A bias toward tech savvy employees and customers
  4. The quality of ideas may come into question

Jacob Silverman’s piece in The Baffler paints a much darker picture, positioning crowdsourcing as a dystopian concept implemented by large companies that seek to undervalue work contributions by breaking tasks into smaller and smaller parts. Thus making them accomplishable by less skilled or temporary workers (for less and less pay).

While these examples bring up some interesting points and real considerations, I personally think the benefits outweigh the potential drawbacks.

If companies are opening their kimonos and asking for input from their stakeholders on an opt-in basis, they aren’t taking advantage of anyone. If people don’t want to participate, they don’t have to.

Furthermore, by asking for input, organizations are essentially saying, “Hey, we don’t have all the answers. Help us serve you better.” In a world where employees are asking for more input and ownership, crowdsourcing is an ideal platform for promoting engagement.

If companies incentivize participation with some form of rewards and/or recognition for quality ideas, what’s the harm? Participants that choose to opt in are getting something in return for their decision to contribute.

Will Crowdsourcing Work For Your Organization?

As technology advances and the collaborative economy becomes more integrated into the economic landscape, those who fear this type of behavior will come to see that although it may be different that what they’re used to, crowdsourcing can open new worlds of opportunity for those who want to step up and contribute.

Those who desire to have a voice in the causes and organizations they believe in—who have the courage to stand up and make their opinions heard—will likely see that there are others amongst us who are just as willing to help them evolve and perfect their ideas for maximum benefit.

Leaders in today’s organizations, from private corporations, to tech startups, to your local school board, can all benefit from the potential power of the collective.

In an era where many organizations grapple with engagement, satisfaction, turnover, and a lack of effective communication, the potential benefits of crowdsourcing seem worth exploring as a mechanism for keeping your employees and stakeholders informed and engaged on an ongoing basis.

And, even if the idea seems inapplicable today, future generations will grow up having ever more exposure to crowdsourcing opportunities. It may not be a question of whether or not your business should be considering it, but rather, will you be left behind in an era where people expect you to give them opportunities to actively engage with your brand?

This article originally appeared on Forbes

New Employee Onboarding: Lessons From Philmont Scout Ranch

new employee onboarding

The onboarding process is one of the most important experiences your new employees will have at your company. It’s a way for you to welcome them with open arms as a valued new member of your organization’s culture.

If done well, your new hires will feel important, supported and immediately motivated to do their best work for you and your organization. When left as an afterthought, however, new employees may end up feeling undervalued, unsupported or even ostracized from the rest of your team.

Like many companies, gothamCulture aspires to be better at the way we bring new members onto our team.  We are constantly refining our onboarding process to make team members feel welcomed by the team and get them the information and resources they need to quickly ramp up.

Surprisingly, one of the best experiences I’ve had recently around onboarding came from a backpacking trip with my son. While you may not think the two are related, there are some critical lessons to take away from this recent experience.

Onboarding, Culture and Philmont Scout Ranch

Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, NM, is the oldest Boy Scouts of America (BSA) high adventure camp. It sits on over 130,000 acres of New Mexican wilderness. They have welcomed over 1 million ‘customers’ to date, including 22,000 scouts and advisors over this summer alone. They have over 1,000 employees to help make this an adventure of a lifetime for many of those scouts.

With so many new visitors travelling their backcountry, Philmont must have an effective, consistent, onboarding process in place. It is this process that has kept Philmont and its culture as an enduring legacy since 1939.

Here is how it works:


Like any new team member, you are excited to be on board but aren’t quite sure what you are supposed to be doing. In most cases, you have come by plane and then bus to get dropped off at the welcome station. There, a staff member welcomes you and asks your crew to form a pack line (just line up your backpacks against one another on the designated post).

You are then introduced to your Ranger (in our case Ben), who will be your mentor at Philmont and accompany you for the first two days in the backcountry.  They give you some basic orientation, answer any immediate questions and arrange to meet you at the mess hall for dinner.  After you get your gear all put away at the tent city, there is some downtime for scouts to visit the trading post to buy ice cream and soda.

Takeaways:  Constant communication is key for new employees. On their first day, they need some direction as to what they’re supposed to do. But, don’t overwhelm them with a constant barrage of orientation. Allow some downtime for them to digest information and informally get to know the rest of your team.

The Day Before Heading Out

The morning before heading out, you’ll meet your Ranger at the mess hall for breakfast. Afterwards, they take you on a tour of basecamp and get the required stops out of the way: logistics/registration, medical pre-check, equipment and initial food pickup, and facilities like the post office and lockers.

After lunch, they meet you at your tent cabins and pull absolutely everything out of your packs to show you what you need and what may have been unnecessary to bring. Though they might have the best of intentions, for example, scouts generally don’t need to carry 5 lbs. of m&m’s in their backpack for the next several days.

The night is capped off with a welcome campfire program, where they introduce you to the history of northern New Mexico, Philmont and the scouting legacy. The evening ends like every campfire program; the Philmont hymn, which, like the Philmont prayer before meals, is another reinforcement of the Philmont culture.

Takeaways:  Onboarding requires a few different things in order to succeed. You need to educate your new team members on the policies and procedures of your organization. But, in order to instill a sense of belonging, you should also fill them in on some of the company lore that exists below the surface. Stories are a great way to communicate your culture—from the history to current traditions—they can help make your new hires feel as if they’re part of something bigger than themselves.

On the Trail

At your first camp, your Ranger introduces you to the ‘bearmuda triangle’:  the red roofed outhouse, a sump for dumping smellable liquid waste and the bear cable. You don’t camp inside the triangle and usually try to set up your tents in previous tent spots to minimize impact. Your Ranger then shows you how to hang your bear bags and takes you through the first meal. Lessons include how to sterilize cookware, prepare your meal, and cleanup before getting the crew down for the night.

The next morning, you pack up, make a wonderful breakfast of snack bars, pop tarts and/or instant oatmeal. Meals may seem like a brainless routine, but during this time, our Ranger was constantly showing the boys how to follow ‘leave no trace’ and, in the case of the bear bags, reinforcing the idea behind them as protecting the bears. New Mexico policy is to tag a nuisance bear twice and then kill it, so the point is that the scouts know they are helping to possibly save a bear when they follow these rules.

Finally, each night they do ‘roses, thorns and buds’ – this is a chance for every scout and advisor to tell the crew what they liked about that day, what they didn’t like and what they are looking forward to the next day.

Takeaways:  Hands-on mentoring with a combination of demonstration and delegation helps each team member learn to follow the processes and execute them competently. Regular check-ins are a chance for the team to build camaraderie while making sure your new team members are engaged in the process. From beginning to end, constant communication is key to success.

The Rest of the Journey

On the last night together, your Ranger hands out wilderness cards to each scout and asks them to think long and hard before signing them and committing to protecting the wilderness (they also, at their discretion, share a Sara Lee pound cake and tub of icing that they have been hauling along, depending on how good of a crew you have been).  The next morning your Ranger is gone and the crew is on its own. In our case, we were on our trek for another nine days, hiking for over 75 miles and seeing some of the most beautiful backcountry there is. We stayed at trail camps and staff camps and got to enjoy some great campfire programs. We had our ups and downs as only a group of thirteen and fourteen year-old boys can, though we didn’t descend quite to the level of Lord of the Flies and managed to bring everyone back without any major injuries.

Takeaways: While mentoring and constant check-ins are important to ramp up your employees, empowerment is truly tested when they are on their own. At the end of the process, your team should be ready and able to carry on the behaviors and values that make up your company culture.

Lessons Learned

I have never met someone who went to Philmont and not described it as one of the best and most memorable experiences of their lives. I did not have the chance to go when I was in scouting and took this as an opportunity to bond with my son (and maybe show a fourteen year old that I am not as old as he thinks…). I hope that in future years he will look back and remember the experience fondly as well.

From an onboarding perspective, I have to admire the way the Philmont takes in hundreds of scouts on a daily basis, plugs them into the program and gets them on their way into the backcountry, all while instilling them with the idea that they are doing something awesome. Scouts know they have a responsibility to their teammates, and to Philmont, to dig deep and be the best team member that they can be.

How are you instilling these kinds of values into your onboarding process?