Mosaic Performance Framework​

Sustainable organizational performance is dependent on a multitude of factors, a mosaic, that must be carefully managed, balanced, and adapted to best meet the challenges presented both in the external environment and internal context.

Achieve & Sustain Performance

Founded in the theoretical model, the Competing Values Framework¹, the Mosaic Performance Framework provides organizations with the ability to understand how their culture, leadership, and workforce capability create a dynamic that either supports or derails their ability to achieve their goals. Mosaic Performance Framework provides actionable data on: 

The Culture Mosaic Survey​

The Culture Mosaic Survey is grounded in the belief that achieving and sustaining a high level of performance is dependent on a variety of key behaviors across an organization.

The Leadership Mosaic Survey​

The Leadership Mosaic Survey is grounded in the belief that achieving and sustaining a high level of organizational performance is critically dependent on the effectiveness of its leaders.

The Team Mosaic Survey​

The Team Mosaic Survey is grounded in the belief that achieving and sustaining a high level of team performance is dependent on a variety of key behaviors and ways of approaching work.


Learn more about the research that shaped our conceptualization of the Mosaic Performance Framework.

Each mosaic is comprised of a series of factors, or tiles, that are assessed and managed over time. These tiles have been identified through exhaustive research over decades and have been shown to be empirically linked to performance. The Mosaic battery of assessments are designed to be used in conjunction with each other, over time, to provide leaders with the insight they need to proactively shape their performance. ¹Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E. (2005). Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: Based on the competing values framework (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

gothamCulture & ProHabits

At gothamCulture, we’re committed to driving sustainable change within organizations. That’s why we’ve partnered with ProHabits, a platform designed to foster positive behaviors through personalized daily activities or “nudges.”

Together, we bring unparalleled value to your organization by aligning individual actions with company values and goals, ensuring lasting impact and improved performance.