Leadership Mosaic Survey

A leadership survey that delivers key insights into strengths and gaps. The Leadership Mosaic provides key insights that can help leaders focus their developmental efforts. Available in 46 languages, aggregating these reports can provide leadership teams with the ability to understand where their collective strengths and gaps may be.

Analyze Leadership Alignment Gaps

The Leadership Mosaic Survey provides leaders with an in-depth analysis of the level of alignment that exists between their perceptions and those with whom they interact. The Leadership Mosaic provides key insights that can help leaders focus their developmental efforts and aggregating these reports can provide leadership teams with the ability to understand where their collective strengths and gaps may be.

The Leadership Mosaic Survey is grounded in the belief that achieving and sustaining a high level of organizational performance is critically dependent on the effectiveness of its leaders. The behaviors that leaders exhibit in their day-to-day work are heavily influenced by the underlying beliefs and assumptions that they hold to be true about ”how business should be done”.

A leadership survey is used to gather employees’ opinions and ideas to assess leadership in an organization.

There are many ways to gather and display data to help leaders create positive and sustainable change in their organizations. The Mosaic Performance Framework takes the most effective of these practices and combines them to provide leaders with the ability to quickly and easily understand robust data sets in order to help them move to action more quickly. Each mosaic report is designed to facilitate intuitive understanding of complex data within and across groups within your organization to provide leadership with the ability to visually see where alignment and misalignment may exist.

A mosaic is comprised of a series of smaller pieces that, when assembled in the correct order, reveal something grander. Our view of leader effectiveness is similar- a series of many smaller data points and decisions that combine to form a reality. The Mosaic Performance Framework was designed to help leaders focus in on those components of organizational functioning that are empirically linked to sustainable performance.

The Mosaic Performance Framework is based on our belief that individuals, teams, and organizations must continuously and effectively manage a wide variety of competing tensions and dynamics in order to perform. These dynamic tensions require organizations to place value in different things over time in order to be most effective in responding to and adapting to changes in their environment.

This thinking stems from the Competing Values Framework¹  which suggests that high-performance stems from the ability to effectively manage key aspects of performance that, oftentimes, are at odds with each other. For example, sustainable performance requires the ability to align resources around a clear and compelling path forward (vision, mission, strategy, etc.) while at the same time, ensuring that members of the organizations are equipped to deliver.

The Competing Values Model can be applied to any organization regardless of sector, industry, or organizational maturity.

¹Cameron, K. S., & Quinn, R. E. (2005). Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: Based on the competing values framework (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

The optional Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility (DEIA) subscale is a 24-item assessment that helps leaders gain a detailed insight into the four key areas of antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Understood in relation to the data collected through the Leadership Mosaic Survey, leaders are better prepared to engage in productive and value-added dialogue with the staff and stakeholders in order to drive positive and sustainable change.

This optional report is available for organizations looking to understand the aggregate strengths and gaps of their leadership bench. By aggregating a series of Leadership Mosaics, we are able to create clarity around potential gaps that exist in your leadership from an organizational perspective.

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ProHabits & Our Leadership Mosaic

Leadership is fundamental to any organization’s success. Through the Leadership Mosaic, we offer targeted campaigns for leaders, providing daily nudges that promote the behaviors needed to excel in specific areas.

These campaigns create a lasting impact by embedding leadership development into daily routines, making growth and improvement a natural part of your leaders’ day-to-day activities.