Organizational Culture Consulting

While most business leaders know the importance of organizational culture, many still struggle to grasp how to use culture as a key driver of performance.

Trusted by Organizations of All Sizes:


Organizational culture is defined as the underlying beliefs, assumptions, values, and ways of interacting that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization. Over the years, we’ve developed and refined our ADDIS methodology for culture change, using highly engaging and rigorous means to assess and measure organizational culture to help leaders use it as a lever for change.

Our team uses an evidence-based approach to quantify aspects of organizational culture that are proven to be linked to performance outcomes. We leverage internal dialogue, collaboration, and empirically validated culture assessments to quantify what have, until now, been the nebulous aspects of organizational performance. Culture is a competitive differentiator for your business.

We are equipped to support clients in the following areas:

Frequently Asked Questions

Organizational culture consulting involves assessing and shaping the underlying beliefs, values, and behaviors within a company to enhance performance and competitiveness. Our expert consultants use evidence-based methodologies to quantify cultural aspects linked to outcomes, fostering internal collaboration and leveraging culture as a strategic lever for change.

Organizational culture is described as the collection of underlying beliefs, assumptions, values, and ways of interacting that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization. gothamCulture focuses on these elements to drive performance improvement.

The ADDIS Methodology is a streamlined approach to organizational culture change and leadership development, focusing on sustainable performance results. It involves thorough assessment, purposeful dialogues, comprehensive planning, tailored implementation, and proven reinforcement mechanisms to embed positive change and achieve desired outcomes in a dynamic work environment.

Yes, gothamCulture utilizes empirically validated culture assessments and an evidence-based approach to quantify the aspects of organizational culture that impact performance, turning what has been nebulous into measurable metrics.

We offer support in culture transformation, customer experience culture, culture in mergers and acquisitions, workplace safety culture, startup/rapid growth culture, and company culture management, among others.

A well-defined and aligned organizational culture acts as a competitive differentiator, directly influencing employee engagement, customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and ultimately, financial performance.

Contact our team to learn how our expertise can be applied to create and maintain a high-performing organization, leveraging our comprehensive services tailored to your unique needs.