Culture and Engagement Apps: How to Find the Best Fit For Your Organization

Culture and Engagement Apps: How to Find the Best Fit For Your Organization

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, you’ve probably noticed there are no shortage of applications out there offering relief from your people-related woes. These apps offer everything from employee engagement to company culture, to stakeholder communications and pulse surveying and peer feedback in order to solve a wide breadth of people-related challenges in your organization.

But, where to start? If you are a business leader who has taken on the task of trying to identify the right tools for your organization, you no doubt came to the realization that there are an endless number of app companies that want to pitch you.

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Digital Communication in the Workplace is No Longer Optional

Digital Communication in the Workplace is No Longer Optional

In case you missed the memo (or the text, IM, emoji, slack, chat, ping, post, email or like), digital communication is a big deal, and it’s not going away. Digital has permeated our lives. And as newer generations continue to enter the workforce, these methods of communication are embedding themselves in the very fabric of our work experience.

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Solid leadership: Lessons in the Art of the Turnaround From U.S. Concrete

Solid leadership: Lessons In The Art Of The Turnaround From U.S. Concrete

When Bill Sandbrook took over as CEO of U.S. Concrete (NASDAQ CM: USCR) in 2011, he stepped into an organization that was hobbling out of bankruptcy and struggling to turn itself around. What he didn’t realize was just how precarious the situation really was.

A graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Sandbrook got his start as a leader in the cavalry, serving 13 years before leaving the service in 1992 to take a job with a building materials company.

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4 Ways to Keep Employees Tuned In as Your Company Scales Globally

4 Ways to Keep Employees Tuned In as Your Company Scales Globally

A global expansion can be a company’s greatest triumph or its most difficult period. Moving into new markets can mean increased reach and revenue. But if you focus too much on the big changes to your bottom line, you may end up with disgruntled employees working hard just to keep pace with this rapid growth.

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How Important is Your Recruiting Process to Your Culture?

How Important Is Your Recruiting Process To Your Culture

For many rapidly-growing organizations, hiring the best talent available is priority number one. But when done poorly, a poor recruiting process can cost your company more than you might expect.

A recent Harvard Business School study found that avoiding a toxic worker was worth about $12,500 in turnover costs. And according to ERE Media, it can cost even more to replace them. Entry-level employees cost between 30-50 percent of their annual salary to replace. For mid-level employees, that number climbs to upwards of 150 percent of their annual salary.

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The State of DevOps: Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Culture

The State of DevOps: Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Culture

Imagine your business perfecting a method of work that allows you to enhance your performance and execute exponentially faster than your competitors. One that helps keep your talent informed, engaged, and helps foster an open, collaborative culture that drives significant performance gains.

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Apply a Military Mindset to Make Your Business Less Fragile

Apply A Military Mindset To Make Your Business Less Fragile

From startups to the federal government, no organization is immune to the unpredictable.  We’re only halfway through 2016, and the U.S. Department of Defense is already tackling a range of complex challenges: battling the Islamic State group, combating domestic terrorism, and ensuring that key initiatives receive sufficient funding. And the impending presidential administration change will bring new priorities, regardless of who wins the White House.

Without a crystal ball, the department must develop solid strategic plans to achieve its goals this year and beyond. These techniques are based on military ideas, and you can apply them to your business, too.

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7 Ways Leaders Can Shape a More Meaningful Startup Culture

7 Ways Leaders Can Shape A More Meaningful Startup Culture

It doesn’t take a genius to realize that it’s going to take more than a beer keg and an in-house masseuse to drive sustained performance of your startup.

Beyond the perks and window dressing that business leaders adorn their exposed-brick workspaces with, what can be done to solidify certain ways of working that guide behavior to tangibly drive the results you’re looking for?

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Employee Engagement Starts with Better Onboarding

employee engagement onboarding

When the subject of onboarding comes up, I’m reminded of a friend’s recent experience starting fresh at a new company. Let’s call him Steve. On his first day, he attended an all hands meeting where staff were expressing concerns about heavy workloads across various initiatives to upper management.

Throughout the meeting, there was a recurring response: “Steve, the new guy will handle that.”  It got to the point where someone asked, “How many Steve’s did we hire exactly?”

Humor aside, this type of situation isn’t uncommon. A hiring decision is made, but there isn’t much planning done in the interim before their start date. They show up on their first day to either be bombarded with tasks, or left without much to do.

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7 Steps to Building a Family Culture at Your Company

family company culture

Guest article written by Taylor Wallace

One of the most common things I hear when talking to companies about their culture is, “our culture is like a family” OR “I want our culture to feel like a family.” Clients often cite examples of supporting sick coworkers and open communication, but are there deeper elements of a healthy family structure to consider?

I decided to look at what really makes a successful family and apply those same principles to building a better company based on research from leading psychologists in the fields of marital stability, divorce prediction, and couples therapy.

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