As a senior vice president, I used to sit around the table at corporate boardrooms and listen to varying opinions about the business. Some I agreed with – others I did not. When I experienced disagreement rising, I could feel my energy building towards argument and a need to somehow convince the other person about why I was right; the other wrong.
Such feelings are common. It happens to each of us at various times in our professional and personal experience. In coaching, we invite our clients to work towards “reaching others where they are,” which provides a means to bridge those gaps between humans.
Our journey bridging those gaps begins with the understanding of a concept called “Resistance.” Resistance is really a basic form of energy. It is effectively used by each of us to protect us from the unknown, which can include anything from fearing a roller coaster as a youngster to hearing a new idea in the corporate board room and quickly concluding that it might hinder our own efforts or even harm the company.
When we encounter an idea that is new to us, or that runs counter to what we “always” have done, we feel a resistance inside us. As a coach I invite clients to “lean into” that resistance with curiosity and appreciative inquiry, helping them build awareness about the issue or idea before moving to action. Read More…