Exploring the Future of Workforce Training with Expert Adaptive Learning Consultants

Workforce training is evolving quickly, driven by new technologies and a growing desire to personalize learning experiences and provide just-in-time learning to employees with the learning they need at just the right time. In this transformation, adaptive learning consulting has become essential, serving as a key partner for businesses looking to derive the most value from their learning and development budgets. These consultants utilize creative adult learning strategies to design training programs tailored to the specific needs of each organization. Let’s explore the significance of adaptive learning and discover how it can change the way your organization approaches talent development. By adopting these innovative methods, your workforce will be equipped not just with the right tools, but also prepared to support the successful execution of your organizational strategy. 

The Evolution of Workforce Development 

In the not-so-distant past, workforce training often followed a one-size-fits-all approach — a standard curriculum delivered in a classroom setting or, more recently, via digital platforms without the ability to cater to individual learner needs. This inflexible format was inherently restrictive, failing to fully utilize educational technologies and accommodate the varied learning styles and speeds of employees. Consequently, these methods of delivering learning and development did not maximize the potential return on investment that can be achieved with more individualized delivery that accounts for each individual’s specific needs.  

These modern approaches have initiated a transformative shift. Revolutionary technologies, especially those powered by artificial intelligence, have led to the emergence of adaptive learning. This approach customizes the educational journey to suit the individual profile and needs of each learner. The rise of adaptive learning represents more than just an update in educational methods — it signals a fundamental shift in how organizations foster talent development. Let’s take a closer look at this shift towards adaptive learning and its impact on enhancing your workforce’s capabilities. 

The Shift to Adaptive Learning: A Change in Employee Development 

Understanding Adaptive Learning 

Adaptive learning systems use sophisticated algorithms and machine learning to assess each individual learner’s knowledge base, skill set, and preferred learning style, customizing the educational content to fit their needs. This creates a dynamic learning environment that adjusts in real time, ensuring learners are consistently challenged at the right level without feeling overwhelmed. 

Benefits of Adaptive Learning 

The most obvious benefit of utilizing an adaptive learning approach is the ability to reduce overall training time by eliminating the need for learners to spend time reviewing concepts they are already adept at. That said, the benefits of adaptive learning go well beyond just making training more efficient. By aligning with each employee’s unique learning profile, these systems significantly boost engagement and motivation—key ingredients for effective learning. As employees become more satisfied with their training experiences, they often report better knowledge retention and application skills, which can lead to enhanced business outcomes. Furthermore, the data-rich environment offered by adaptive learning enables precise measurement of training success and identification of areas needing more attention, ensuring that investments in training deliver measurable returns. 

Role of Adaptive Learning Consultants 

Expert Insight 

Adaptive learning consultants serve as guides and architects, charting the course for the integration of adaptive learning into your organization’s training programs. Their expertise lies in understanding the technology and methodologies that underpin adaptive learning and translating these into real-world applications tailored to your unique business needs. 

Strategic Advantage 

Expert consultants contribute a strategic perspective to the adaptation of learning. By customizing learning paths, they facilitate the development of skills precisely calibrated to your organization’s objectives. They also offer scalability in training solutions, enabling growth and evolution without the need to redesign your educational framework from the ground up. Finally, their solutions enhance retention rates, ensuring that acquired knowledge doesn’t just linger in the short-term memory but becomes a lasting asset to both the individual and the organization. 

Implementing Adaptive Learning: Strategies for Success 

Choosing the Right Consultant 

The efficacy of an adaptive learning program is only as good as the consulting team that designs it. When seeking a partner in adaptive learning consulting, consider their track record – have they successfully developed learning programs for organizations similar to your specific needs? What is their approach to needs analysis, development, and post-deployment support? Do they bring a well-rounded team of learning specialists, technology experts, and data analysts to the table? 

Blueprint for Integration 

Integration is a key challenge in adopting adaptive learning into your organization’s learning strategy. A strategic approach, created by seasoned advisors, involves several key steps. First, conducting a thorough analysis of training needs across the variety of roles within an organization, leveraging both qualitative and quantitative data. Next, a content library must be developed which aligns to these needs. Next, developing an adaptive learning model, considering how and when the system will adapt to learners’ progress within the operating context of your organization. Finally, deploying the technology, ensuring it’s seamlessly woven into the fabric of existing training programs. 

Navigating Challenges 

Adopting technology is seldom without its challenges. Resistance to change, budget constraints, and technical issues can all impede progress. However, with the right consultant by your side, your organization can mitigate these risks. Consultants can cultivate buy-in from stakeholders by highlighting the personalized benefits of adaptive learning. They can also provide cost-effective solutions, and their technical expertise ensures a smooth implementation and operation of the system. 

The Transformative Potential: Partnering with gothamCulture 

gothamCulture’s Adaptive Learning Consulting services stand at the forefront of the industry, offering a holistic approach to personalized learning in organizations in all sectors. We believe in empowering organizations with the tools and strategies required to foster a dynamic, agile, and highly skilled workforce. Our approach to adaptive learning consulting integrates seamlessly with your broader HR and training strategies, ensuring cohesive and effective implementation. 

Our consultants are not just experts in the technology required to establish and maintain these processes; they are also skilled at understanding the human element of training. They know that successful learning hinges on the delicate interplay between employee motivation and the system’s ability to adapt. By prioritizing both, we create adaptive learning solutions that are as effective as they are innovative. 

We invite you to take the next step in enhancing your workforce’s potential. Contact gothamCulture to learn more about how our Adaptive Learning Consulting services can transform your organization’s learning and development ecosystem. With our partnership, you will not only keep pace with the future of training but will emerge as a leader in cultivating adept, knowledgeable, and engaged employees. 

gothamCulture’s Chris Cancialosi to lead workshop at 2023 Veteran EDGE Conference

Veteran Edge Image

gothamCulture Founder and Managing Partner, Chris Cancialosi, will lead a workshop during the Veteran EDGE conference in Dallas, March 22-25, 2023.

His workshop titled “Shaping a Culture of Performance” will cover what organizational culture is and the relationship between culture and firm performance. Attendees will have the opportunity to deploy the Culture Mosaic survey to their employees and receive a customized data report in the session.

Veteran EDGE is a unique event dedicated solely to veteran and military spouse business owners and the ecosystem that supports them. Over the course of four days, stakeholders, IVMF program graduates, and veteran and military spouse business owners from around the country gather to network and learn about the latest opportunities, best practices, and resources available to their growing companies.

Remembering How “Centered” Feels

As humans, we have a limited capacity for recollection, especially in being able to remember what our feelings were like at a specific time.  We often try to remember, and yet somehow such emotions are still like the wisps of a dream – as we reach for them, they seem to disappear.

I was speaking with a client the other day.  She related that she truly felt confident in that moment and was happy that she had managed to define and find her “center.”  That center, or what some call solid ground, was a recognition of her competence as a leader and a genuine feeling that she knew what she was doing, had a good handle on where she needed to learn and had achieved an equilibrium point in recognizing her well-developed skills and those that might be less developed.

She said, “I feel as if I’ve finally figured it out.” 

Then she paused and quietly asked, “But what if I lose my “center”?  How do I find my way back?”

We unpacked that idea together for several minutes – I interested in what she wanted – she curious about how to get there.  She shared times with me of when uncertainty and doubt had crept into her deepest thoughts and caused her to question her actions as a leader.  I listened attentively and asked her what that felt like and how it happened.  The responses were rich and, at times, deeply emotional, as she reflected on losing something that was so real and yet so fleeting.

Then I asked, “What would you write to yourself in a letter about how you feel today?”

Her eyes lit up, “I suppose I’d tell myself that “You got it!”

“What else?” I asked.

“Well, I’d write what those feelings of centeredness are – the facets of who I am as a leader that make me successful.”

“Tell me more!” I said with obvious enthusiasm.

“I’d tell myself of my knowledge, my competence, my interpersonal skills, and my very real ability to grow as a leader.”

“And I’d write how I felt in this moment.”

“I’d also say, “When negative emotions and thoughts come to mind, remind yourself that you know how to weather the storm – you indeed know how to lead.”

She went on, “And I think I’d read that letter aloud in moments of crisis and indecision,” she laughed.

I smiled and saw a confidence in that young leader that was equal to her centeredness.  She had devised a method to remind herself of her own skills and capabilities – and she was using those awesome abilities to talk to a future self to instill confidence.  I had no doubt that she would compose that letter in the coming days.

Coaches get to ask questions.  Clients come up with their own answers.  I was fortunate to experience a client who knew herself so well that she was able to hold both the confidence and centeredness of today and the uncertainty and doubt of a future day in one crystalizing moment that will serve her for years to come.

Living One Life – A Whole Life

“Gestalt” is described* as “a composition of elements that can only be appreciated as a whole rather than as a sum of its parts.”

As a Gestalt-trained coach, I am honored to work with clients to help them explore what “wholeness” means to them and how they can discover and then choose to use those parts of themselves that will effectively expand their range as human beings. 

Part of that work is to engage with people about how they perceive their lives and their priorities. Through inquiry, I help my clients discover the “whole” they might not be able to see.

If a client says, “My work life situation is pretty well set, but my home life is struggling,” I might ask:

“Where does work life end and home life begin?”

“Well, you know, when I turn off the Zoom call or drive into the garage after my commute.”

“I’m curious, how can you live two or more lives at the same time?”

“Well, of course, it’s just one life, but I try to keep them separate.  I work hard on work-life balance”

Sometimes I pause – for a long moment.  It can be uncomfortable for clients. But in that silence, some fascinating perspectives emerge.

What can come out for clients – and sometimes it blurts out in unexpected ways – is an awareness that the separation they have created by even using the words “Work-Life” balance is an attempt to deny the “wholeness” of their lives.  As a result, their life can seem fragmented or segmented in a way that does not support their wellbeing.

We only have one life – and the fullness of that life is both beautiful and daunting.  By separating it into parts, we might seek protection from facing its realities and its challenges – and its joys and sadness.  But by doing so, our perspective is skewed and our lives become compartmentalized.  We might think protection makes it all more manageable.  But that, in fact, can be limiting.

When we become aware of how we see our lives we can begin to make choices. For example, it can be about incorporating work into life and understanding its importance – and its cost.

We are complex creatures and that is such a beautiful – and challenging – part of our experience.  What my clients discover is the integration of their complex “parts” that add up to the one life that has meaning and balance for each of us.

Think about this: 

We can decide to play at work and – ask any golfer – we can choose to work at play. 

We can laugh over a memory of a loved one while still mourning and crying during a memorial service that is called a “celebration.”

We can choose to allow our thoughts and conversation to join with loved ones even in the midst of the busiest day at work. 

I invite you to make choices to allow your life to be the “whole” that is greater than the sum of its parts.

*Textbooks have been written on the subject of Gestalt and this definition cited from “Grammarist” is only meant to convey the sense of a complex and highly useful school of psychology. It is taught extensively at the Gestalt International Study Center (GISC) in Wellfleet, Massachusetts.

Adjusting Your Course

“I’m making course adjustments,” a good friend and colleague told me the other day, smiling as he spoke. 

Fascinated, I listened as he went on to provide perspective on what “adjusting course” meant for him.  The genesis of the conversation had arisen from a chat we were having about strong convictions he once held which had been tested over time by his life experience.  “I’m not the same guy as I was then – I need to be open to seeing things from a different perspective,” he said, adding, “If I don’t do that, then I stop learning.”

As I am prone to do, I mulled his comments for a long time after we finished talking.  I thought about the many clients with whom I work who are constantly confronted with choices and decisions.  They adjust course in small ways every day, and then reflect on how those course adjustments work for them – and then they adjust again.  They cope with managing businesses and leading people – making nuanced and creative decisions along with critical financial judgments. 

The most successful leaders are those who recognize that their viewpoint is powerfully informed by their own experience and where they are in their personal and professional journey.  For instance, a new leader who is untried can make a decision early in a career that they might make differently later in life.  The key for that leader is to understand what they learned from the experience. Why did they make the decision in the first place and why was there a course correction later on?

A critical point is that we need to know how and why we are adjusting our course.  As complex as it might seem, adjusting a course when you’re piloting an airplane, for example, is easy to understand.  If you’re not going to arrive at the destination you planned, you can change speed and heading.  Adjusting course in life is infinitely more complex.  A leader’s decisions are not based on the same kind of data and understanding of navigational techniques used by aviators.  Instead, decisions are often informed by a variety of sepia-toned information analysis and intuition, which depends on both knowledge and experience.

But, as an aviator or a leader, course adjustments cannot be made in a vacuum.  And they need to be deeply understood.  Leaders can best serve themselves and their companies by asking personal questions:

  1. How has my perspective changed?
  2. Why am I feeling differently about my (or the organization’s) current course?
  3. Am I stuck in a way of thinking that no longer supports me the way it used to?
  4. What are my intentions?
  5. What do I want to change?
  6. What choices can I make?

Being curious about one’s own motivations and exploring the why, how, and what of our personal evolution can inform the adjustments we naturally make as part of growing.  Curiosity can also help us know where we can confront our own assumptions and realize that they may no longer serve us.  Andy Cohen explores challenging assumptions well in an article in Duke Corporate Education. 

Growing, learning, and expanding our range as human beings – and understanding how those concepts inform our own worldview and the course we set– are such fascinating parts of life’s journey.  Appreciating that adjustment to our course is such an important part of leadership – That is the joy and a challenge for each of us. 

My thanks to a dear friend who helped me with my own course adjustment!

gothamCulture Releases Findings From the 2022 State of Culture Study

2022 State of Culture artwork

New York, NY – gothamCulture released its second annual State of Culture Report on December 30, 2022. 

The 2022 State of Culture Report is the culmination of a year of research on a global scale of 170 respondents across local, national, and global organizations. From this research, the team extracted key insights into the aspects of organizational culture and climate that link to a variety of performance outcomes as well as the practices that drive results in the day-to-day. 

 Some key findings from the study include: 

  • Only 57% of respondents in senior leadership roles reported that their organization cultures are evolving rapidly enough to stay competitive.
  • 70% of respondent organizations reported outsourcing at least some HR functions, and it seems that outsourcing in the HR space will continue to grow over time. .
  • Organizations that reported a large number of resignations said it was mostly due to inadequate pay/benefits and a lack of ongoing investment in employee skills.

 For more insights to read the 2022 State of Culture Report here. 

Stay up to date with future State of Culture surveys and reports here. 

If you have questions or comments about the study or the report please email info@gothamculture.com 

 About gothamCulture 

gothamCulture is a management consulting firm that draws on our associate’s comprehensive expertise and experience in the areas of culture, leadership, and people strategy to provide innovative solutions and client-service excellence. Our work is guided by our deeply held shared values, including a commitment to each other and our clients, unwavering integrity, the maniacal pursuit of excellence, relatable expertise, and authentic community. For more information, visit www.gothamCulture.com. 

Do You Hear What I Hear?

As a professional coach, I often use metaphors to help a client visualize or name what challenges or opportunities they face.

By way of explanation, consider this: When I attend a jazz session (my favorite American art form), I can sometimes find myself honing in on a particular musician, even before they take the musical lead. I might feel invited to listen to a bluesy tenor saxophone, or close my eyes and feel the beat of the drums. After the set, I might mention to others what I heard and how it struck me. I am often pleasantly surprised to learn that the individuals with whom I attended the session might have heard something dramatically different. One person might tell me that the bass player “slayed it,” while another might say that the entire “vibe” came together so well that it was hard to identify one musician’s work.

The same goes for our visual experience. Like with music, I can also recall standing in front of a piece of art, probably standing next to people I know well. As we collectively ponder the meaning of the art and what we “see,” it is remarkable just how many perspectives are experienced. I might note the vibrancy of the colors while one friend notices the use of shading and the other friend the tiny brush strokes that created a painting.   And in fact, others might not focus on the visual experience, but on the human energy which emerged for them!

Each individual has their own “reality” which involves all five senses and more. In music or art, an appreciation of multiple realities, like my thought about the saxophone player versus another person’s perception of the bass player, can enhance and enrich the tapestry of our own experience. Especially when we share those realities with others – and when we can then create, even for a moment, a “shared reality” with another individual it is such a magical part of the human experience.

Human teams and the leadership of those with whom we work are filled with an endless number of realities. Appreciating that they exist is key. For instance, if I look at a profit and loss statement for a business, I might well focus on the top-line revenues, while another person might move their eyes straight to the bottom line. One of us can see earnings, while another is concerned about cash flow. Neither is wrong.

What we need to appreciate fully is what the other person sees and understands to create a “shared” reality to benefit both of us – and the larger team. The “brush strokes” matter but so does the “shading” – even on a corporate financial statement. That’s the only way we can “see” the whole picture.

When it comes to interpersonal characteristics and skills, it becomes increasingly difficult. Human bias and perspective let us see only specific capabilities and effectively ignore others.

The same goes for how others see us. We can never know another person’s perceptions and feelings about us until we ask. If we are truly interested in their journey, they may well become interested in ours. And then the joining of two or more can come together to create a shared experience – and a shared journey – and the magic it contains.

Think about the questions “Do you hear what I hear?” and “Do you see what I see?” the next time you meet with your colleagues at the office (or you’re sitting next to a coach who loves jazz). I invite you to be open to learning and sharing – it will enrich the experience and you’ll be better for it!

Podcast: The Great Resignation? Reshuffle? Reimagination? Renegotiation?

In this episode of the gothamCulture Podcast, guest host Conrad Moore from MAiUS Learning talks to Marcelo Dias, a Talent Performance & Development Leader about how being burned out actually changes your brain chemistry resulting in exhaustion, cynicism, or just lack of effectiveness. Once employees reach this level of dissatisfaction with their jobs, it just ends up taking up a lot of their mental space. What can we do to get back to flourishing at work?

Production note: This interview was originally recorded in January 2022.

Released: December 20, 2022

Podcast: Leading With a Learning Lens

In this episode of the gothamCulture Podcast, Kate Gerasimova, Senior Associate at gothamCulture talks with Brooke Rufo-Hill, Head of People and Culture at Rippleworks about what it means to be a learning organization. How can we focus on improving everything instead of proving anything? Brooke offers examples and strategies about how to move away from focusing solely on productivity and more on learning and how it improves performance as an organization.

Released: December 13, 2022

Podcast: Leadership – Balancing the Act of Doing and the Art of Being

In this episode of the gothamCulture Podcast, Kate Gerasimova, Senior Associate at gothamCulture talks with Kimberly Penharlow, Certified Leadership & Performance Coach and Organization Psychologist, about leadership which is a delicate balance between the act of doing and the art of being. The act of getting things done is very transactional. This year’s focus should be the art of being. The art of being a leader, in relationship with your team and culture, and understanding the importance of resilience.

Released: November 29, 2022