What we’re reading
WEEK 4: Organizations are creating return to work playbooks and DOW and Tesla have shared their plans with the public. Companies have responded to the crisis in three stages: React, Respond, and Return. How do you return? Take a lesson from manufacturing. Even as we plan our return, we know the effects of the coronavirus will remain for a while. How can we can make our organizations more resilient and make society resilient as a result?
In the meantime, the work still needs to get done. Why is remote work so hard, and can it be fixed? Try being more present in your next virtual meeting and make your next virtual event shine. We’re all trying to thrive and stay positive, maybe psychology can help?
As we’ve been working on our Team Reboot process, we’ve been thinking a lot about teams. To weather the next crisis, consider building a network of teams. This dynamic and collaborative team structure can tackle an organization’s most pressing problems quickly.
WEEK 3: Aside from being superheroes, another way healthcare workers have set examples for us is on how to lead high-functioning teams. Teams need to be agile and here is how to do it! If team commitment is still a struggle, here are some steps you can take to get them on board! It is important to maintain and strengthen your culture in times of disruption. Other things you might want to consider are the time signals you might be sending your team and think of other remote challenges they might be facing. The new normal calls for a new learning ecosystem and that is worth looking into, as well. As leaders, there might be a lot on your plate right now, but you don’t have to do it alone. Peer coaching can sort out this team issue.
WEEK 2: We are all wondering about what the future holds. Our good friends at i4cp have some ideas on what the New (Not So) Normal is going to look like and insights on what leaders have been up to Return to the Workplace. As we move with the wave, empathy can go a long way. Here are some tips on how to coach your team through and communicate with your different stakeholders during uncertain times. In a time when we are trying to stay connected, we need to remember that reconnecting is just as important.
WEEK 1: With virtual becoming the new normal, it can all feel like a blur… Here is how you can set boundaries at work when it’s hard. We’ve also been feeling a little overloaded with articles on how to create a routine during COVID-19… but here are four tips you probably haven’t heard yet. We’ve also picked up a few tips on how to respond in the moment, plan for the future, and deal with the uncertainty in the Crisis Leadership Playbook. Finally, working from home can feel a little isolating, but colleagues can be your confidants during these tough times
What we’re listening to
WEEK 3: Adam Grant’s Worklife, a staple podcast for some of our gC team members, is all about how to make work better for you and your team! Back to Work covers issues of productivity, communication, constraints at work, and everything in between! Work aside, Note to Self is a tech show about being human, and protecting ourselves from being ‘teched-out’.
WEEK 2: With the recent release of the gothamCulture podcast, our team has been savoring in exploring the podcasting world. Hear some thoughts on the Shape of the Next Normal. Enjoy Stanford GSB’s very own ‘Think Fast, Talk Smart’ and in particular their episode on communicating virtually. Tune in to HBR’s IdeaCast to find ways to ward off isolation on your team in times of coronavirus and beyond. Speaking of feelings of isolation, boredom, confusion… you’re not alone. Listen to Checking In with Susan David to hear relatable stories about dealing with emotions during this time.
What we’re watching
WEEK 1: Some are saying that mindfulness is a superpower. If you don’t get the hype around mindfulness meditation here is a quick Meditation 101 video that makes the practice feel less daunting and is bound to spark your curiosity.
What we’re (virtually) attending
New Research for Encouraging Remote Employees Effectively | June 2 @ 12:30 PM ET
How Personality Influences Virtual Teamwork | On Demand
Making Tough Decisions in Times of Disruption | On Demand
The Power of Negative Feedback for Engagement | On Demand
Leading Remote Teams When the Stakes Are High | On Demand
Accelerating Virtual Team Agility & Effectiveness | On Demand
Building Resilience and Leadership in the Context of a Crisis & Telework | On Demand
Building a Virtual Event in 24 Hours | On Demand
What Personality Can Tell Us About Success in Remote Working | On Demand
Driving Engagement and Productivity When Teams Go Remote | On Demand
Apps we’re enjoying
WEEK 4: Try Thrive Remotely from our partners at ProHabits. It’s a daily habit-building app aimed to alleviate uncertainty and connect remote teams. It’s free and you can invite as many team members as you like to participate. If you still haven’t found a mindfulness app that works for you, try buddhify or InsighTimer for guided meditation.
WEEK 3: This isn’t an app, but here is a good source for fun backgrounds to spice up your Zoom meetings. If you love to mindmap as we do, Coggle is the best way to share your thoughts! Don’t have time to go through this content? Save it for later using Pocket!
WEEK 2: Use Spokn to build a culture of continuous learning for your teams through some quick audio insights, where the first 10 are free! Check out the Ten Percent Happier app for guided meditations.
WEEK 1: If the mindfulness videos sparked your interest, try Headspace or Calm.
The content being shared is not gothamCulture original content nor does it express the views or opinions of gothamCulture.