A Closer Look at Netflix’s Surprising Parental Leave Policy

netflix parental leave policy

Is Netflix’s move to unlimited maternity and paternity leave an innovative new trend or unintended train wreck waiting to happen?

In this week’s announcement on their blog, Netflix’s Chief Talent Officer, Tawni Cranz, sparked a lengthy debate about the pros and cons of ‘unlimited’ policies for benefits like parental leave, vacation and sick time. Cranz’ announcement was, no doubt, crafted very carefully and it’s important to take the time to read and understand it.

While positioned as helping empower employees to have more control of their work-life balance, the question on everyone’s mind today is what this trend really means to the future of work.

What’s Behind “Unlimited” Time Off?

In the first sentence, Cranz writes, “At Netflix, we work hard to foster a ‘freedom and responsibility’ culture that gives our employees context about our business and the freedom to make their own decision along with the accompanying responsibility.”

This statement alone is critical. It alludes to an underlying dynamic tension between offering employees the freedom to manage their own work-life balance while also providing them with a clear understanding of their critical role in the company’s success.

This is, as the announcement mentions, a natural extension of the company’s unlimited vacation policy, which has been in place since 2002. The key difference, however, is that unlimited vacation policies often come with the unwritten expectation that employees are available to check-in remotely while they’re away.

“Unlimited” company policies like these may, in some situations, actually create more problems than they solve. When there is no defined allowance for something like vacation, for example, people tend to use less than they may have otherwise, as they feel pressured to manage the perceptions of others.

When companies give employees a defined allowance for vacation or leave, people may tend feel okay about using it all. But when it’s unlimited, people may hesitate to use the benefit for fear that others may perceive them as abusing it. A shining example of this backlash was Tribune Publishing, who rescinded its unlimited vacation policy due to employee complaints. Employees didn’t want to stand out as “the person that took too many vacation days.”

With parental leave, there is a definite start date and no expectations of working remotely. As parents of newborn babies try to navigate their own changing work-life priorities, they aren’t likely to want to return to work during that first year, especially if they are being paid while they’re away.

For new parents, it sounds ideal. But it’s yet to be seen whether, like unlimited vacation policies, the behaviors and expectations of their peers will affect their decisions.

Like Uncle Ben told Peter Parker all those years ago in the Spiderman comics – “With great power comes great responsibility.” While employees are empowered to make their own decisions with regard to parental leave, there is an underlying responsibility to their employer and to their coworkers.

Keeping Up With the Rest of the World

The reexamination of parental leave is not uncommon in the tech world. Other companies such as Twitter and Yahoo have also adapted their parental leave policies as one way to adapt their battle strategies in the ongoing war for talent.

Even Microsoft recently announced significant changes to their leave policy. They, like Netflix, explicitly made mention that this move is an effort to enhance the employee experience and to align their benefits policies with what they value in their culture.

But, this too may not be the whole story. As a multinational company, some see this move as an attempt for Netflix to align the US parental leave benefits with those of Canada, where new parents can receive coverage for a full year.

While it may be true that US parental leave norms seem decidedly different compared to many other nations, it must be noted that many countries also use employment insurance to cover a portion peoples’ pay while they’re out of work. Netflix will be paying peoples’ full salaries and shouldering 100% of the burden.

What You Need to Consider Before Following in Netflix’s Footsteps

If the idea of unlimited parental leave has sparked your interest, here are a few considerations to make, before you adopt a similar policy for your organization:

The size of your organization. Large companies can absorb the costs associated with unlimited parental leave. For smaller companies, however, it can be a massive burden to shoulder the lost productivity of their employee base. You’ll really need to analyze the risks versus rewards.

The potential of alienating childless employees. This argument comes up frequently in open discussions about the topic of parental leave and it’s a consideration when making policy decisions. Not to say that should stop you, but it is something worth being thoughtful about as you anticipate peoples’ reactions.

Contradicting your core values. This one can be a doozy. When organizations espouse certain values but do not align their internal systems and processes to those values, confusion and calamity can abound. Organizations who are intentional about this alignment tend to be much better positioned to drive performance over the long-term. A prime example is CVS Health and its policy changes around selling tobacco.

At the end of the day, I’ve been a business owner and leader long enough to realize that every well-intentioned decision comes with the potential for unintended consequences. But that doesn’t mean that the benefits don’t outweigh the costs.

I applaud companies for reexamining their systems and policies and working to align them with their values. It’s these misalignments that can potentially create chaos in organizations and it’s the differentiator that wildly successful companies use to keep their advantage in the market.

These are tangible efforts to shape company culture into a point of competitive advantage and, unintended consequences or not, I personally believe that working to align systems and policies to your values is never a bad thing.


This article originally appeared on Forbes.


Five Ways to Foster Commitment During Organizational Change

foster commitment during organizational change

You’ve already met for countless hours with consultants, your leadership teams, and analysts to plan a change for your organization. You have a well thought-out direction and plenty of steps to get there.

You’re ready…

Chomping at the bit…

…Now what?

You’ve worked hard to map out the path ahead. But to move towards that new direction, you need commitment from the rest of the organization. You need people on your side, willing to change along with you. A critical mass of committed people to get the other heel-draggers to come along.

If you’re imagining a tall, rocky cliff in front of you when it comes to this part of the change, you’re not alone. Fostering commitment takes time, presence, and awareness. It may be an uphill climb, but with the right tools and mindset, you can lead the way for the rest of your team to commit and follow you up the mountain.

Leaders often take systems, like the chain of command, compensation, or the social pressures from colleagues, for granted. Rather than spending the time to foster genuine commitment, they rely on extrinsic incentives and compliance to ensure that change happens. Unfortunately, forcing commitment through compliance is often unsustainable.

While compliance may work for small process changes, it only encourages the bare minimum for organizational change. In the long run, forcing compliance can contribute to a pervasive feeling of disempowerment among employees.

There’s no doubt that changing behavior is hard for everyone. The psychological process of change can be a gauntlet. It’s up to you as a leader in your organization to help your team understand their role in the change process and help give them a sense of ownership over the outcome.

Here are 5 ways you can help foster commitment in times of organizational change:

Understand and recognize what has to be let go

In order to change, we have to let go of what was done before. Psychologists know this as a very real period of loss, anxiety, and fear. During the change process, there will be a range of reactions from people, both inwardly and (sometimes) directed at you: “So you mean what I was doing before was wrong?” “But I’m comfortable here.” “This is the way we’ve always done it.” “What am I going to lose?” “What do I need to protect?” You can imagine how this anxiety can spiral into resistance.

As a leader, rather than glossing over this fear, address it. Be frank about what might be different. Recognize those feelings of worry, and help people deal with it by listening rather than rushing to convince them of the positive outcomes that will result from a change. People need to be heard in order to feel supported during this time.

Tap into your authentic self

Be honest with yourself and your team about the level of discomfort there may be with the change. Will you be struggling to adopt some of these things? An authentic display of self-awareness and vulnerability does a lot to develop trust between you and your employees: “I know my default setting is to keep information to myself, especially given how hierarchical we’ve been in the past. But I’m actively working on getting information out to more people as we transition. It feels unnatural to me, but I’m convinced this will be good for us in the long-term.”

You can also recall your own experiences with change to empathize with your organization. Do the following reflection: When was the last time you were asked to do something dramatically different? What was your initial reaction to that request? How did you feel? What did you do? Did you change? Why? Pay attention to what it was like for you to change, and connect with people on this level.

Get to know your community

Development workers, social workers, and community organizers are in the business of asking people to make big changes. A major part of their work is to get to know the community, simply by walking around and spending time with people. Take a page from their book: get out from behind your desk and into the organization and actually talk to people.

During a change, your presence as a leader is critical. Listen. Ask good questions. Allow members of your organization to discuss what they see and how they see it. Take the time to respond to those fears and worries about the coming changes.

There is nothing worse for commitment than an absent leader. Feeling seen and heard can lessen people’s level of emotional vulnerability during change. Get out there and be your honest self.

Get the right people on board

Consider doing a network mapping exercise to understand who in your organization will be most important to get committed early. Who has a strong relationship with people? Who knows how to develop trust with their subordinates? If one person commits, will there be ten others who follow them?

As people in your organization enter into the change-gauntlet, they will be looking to the top for confirmation. Is your leadership team walking the talk? Are they committed in a way that role-models behavior to the rest of your employees? The same questions mentioned above will be crucial to have with your top team.

Rinse and repeat

Gaining commitment is an iterative process and different people will experience anxiety at different times. As your plan gets underway, new questions will arise. Your leadership team may feel exhausted.

What’s important to remember is that re-visiting commitment is equally as important as re-hashing the plan and tracking your progress. The 5 tips above will help you get there.


What Your Employees Really Need to Keep Them Engaged

key to keeping employees engaged

Employee engagement is one of the top challenges facing organizations today. In fact, 87% of organizations cited employee engagement as a top concern, according to a recent report from Deloitte.

There may be many reasons why this is suddenly, and increasingly a concern for leaders over the past several years. And while behaviors like micromanagement, poor pay or benefits, or a lack of appreciation or praise are often cited, they don’t paint an accurate picture of the entire engagement story.

Read More…

Building High Performance Teams Takes More Than Talent

building high performance teams

We’ve all come across this type of person in our careers: the guy who is miserable to work with but who’s also “the top salesman we have.” Or how about “the smartest guy in the room,” who’s also the most unapproachable person you’ve ever met? The talent may well be there but, in today’s increasingly networked workplace, it isn’t a guarantee of success.

Sometimes, very talented people just aren’t a good fit for your organization, but more often, the problem lies in a leaders’ inability to harness or align their employees’ talent to the mission. Either of these situations can cause employees’ talent to atrophy — or, worse, give them a reason to move on to a more engaging position at another company. Your job, as a leader, is to recognize when talent isn’t being used to its fullest potential and correct the situation.

When Talent on Its Own Isn’t Enough

As a leader, you may be tempted to hire an individual, or keep him in your organization, based on talent alone. Unfortunately, this might be a recipe for disaster. To make a difference, talented people need to be given the right roles and responsibilities, proper direction, and a sense of urgency. Most of all, they need to be properly aligned to advance an organization’s long-term goals.

Here are some common talent issues leaders face that could hinder your business’s success in building high performance teams:

  • The “lone wolf”: The lone wolf archetype makes for a great western, but in today’s hyper-connected business world, that mindset just doesn’t work. You could have the smartest guy in the industry working for you, but if he can’t interact with the rest of your team, he’s ultimately a drain on morale and productivity. A successful business requires a team of people who make use of each person’s talents through effective and productive communication and collaboration.
  • Misaligned talent: Businesses can fall victim to misaligned talent for many reasons, but what I’ve seen happen, time and time again, is talent being evaluated based on short-term operational needs versus long-term business goals. Perhaps you needed someone to fulfill certain responsibilities in a pinch when your business was growing, but now that person is stuck in a role where her talent is being wasted. Leaders must be able to see past pressing operational needs to the future performance of the company, which includes putting your best and brightest in leadership and strategic roles.
  • Disengaged talent: If a talented employee is bored or unmotivated, they’re not going to perform to their highest potential. Getting employees out of their comfort zones, but not in panic mode, will help employees feel like they’re contributing to a greater cause and experiencing individual development. Those employees will know they are truly putting their strengths to good use and will go above and beyond for your business. However, fail to provide a challenge that fully utilizes an employee’s talent, and that talent will start to mold.

How to Align a Team’s Talents

Business moves fast. Often, business leaders get caught up with other priorities and let the performance and direction of their teams fall by the wayside. Here are three simple remedies to get talent back on track:

1. Communicate: The most effective way to align a team’s talents is through honest dialogue. Take the time to evaluate internal processes and dynamics. Hearing from your team about what is — and isn’t — working will help create alignment and do more for your team’s big picture than any task management system or monetary bonus ever could.

2. Look at your business objectives: When you put talent in the context of business strategy, talent will start to naturally align itself. Leveraging the strengths and preferences of employees according to where they fit within your long-term business objectives will naturally bring out the best in your people and organization as a whole. Make sure all employees know their roles and how their actions contribute to the bigger picture.

3. Put the right people in the right seats: Jim Collins said it best when he advised that people need to be put in the right seat on the bus to drive performance. If your goal is building a high performance team, find the right roles and responsibilities for the right employees. Find out what your employees enjoy doing and what motivates them to determine where they are best suited.

All leaders want the most talented people working for them, but talent alone can’t carry an organization. Leaders must provide oversight and direction to ensure employees are engaged, motivated, and challenged on a daily basis. Most of all, they must harness talent effectively by putting people in roles that align them — and the organization — for long-term success.

This article originally appeared on Forbes



Is Your Anonymous Employee Survey Doing More Harm Than Good?

We live in an era of oversharing. While most people are comfortable sharing what they ate for lunch, what they watched on TV, and what their relationship status is with 500 of their “closest” friends on Facebook and Twitter, the idea of telling their boss what they really think still feels pretty risky.

The traditional feedback process that’s become the norm in most businesses today relies on anonymous systems so employees can feel safe being open and honest with their employers. But there’s something fundamentally wrong if your employees are fearful to be open when providing feedback.

Meanwhile, leaders worry their employees won’t be forthcoming with their opinions unless they’re anonymous, so they default to the nameless employee survey, which limits their ability to follow up with employees who have particularly helpful ideas.

The idea of anonymity is outdated and ultimately unproductive. In fact, the confidentiality can interfere with the accountability you’re looking to build on your team and lead to other unintended consequences, including:

1. Skewed results. In most organizations, a small minority harbors a tremendous amount of anger toward leadership or their workplace in general. An anonymous survey just gives them a platform to vent. When their names aren’t attached, their feedback can be pointed, jaded, and even inflammatory, which can skew your results.

2. Misinterpreted feedback. The purpose of feedback is to gather information to help you make better business decisions. Unfortunately, with unidentified feedback, there’s no way to understand the context of issues that may only affect one department or even one employee. You may end up misinterpreting the data, which can cause you to make the wrong decisions.

3. A lack of follow-up. If a respondent has a moment of brilliance in an anonymous survey, you have no way to dig deeper into his ideas or recognize this visionary for his contribution. On the other hand, if an employee is unhappy about something, you miss the chance to have a productive conversation to identify solutions.

Non-anonymous feedback allows you to initiate that conversation and build upon the feedback loop throughout the year.

4. Limited responsiveness. Gathering anonymous feedback is time-consuming. You must first ask employees to fill out a survey, take part in a focus group, or share opinions in a confidential interview. By the time someone has gathered and processed the data, the information may no longer be relevant.

5. The inability to hold leaders accountable.Unfortunately, some leaders will react inappropriately to feedback, which is why organizations favor anonymity in the first place. Rather than tailoring this process to ineffective leaders, you need to start holding them accountable.

An open feedback system establishes an environment where leaders must learn how to accept criticism so employees feel comfortable being open and honest.

How to Create a Transparent Feedback Loop

If you want to encourage transparency and increase engagement in your organization, it’s time to ask employees to cowboy up and take ownership of their ideas. With that said, you’re also going to have to take responsibility for creating an environment where people feel safe sharing.

Moving from an anonymous survey to a transparent feedback loop won’t be easy or painless, but there are several things you can do to make the transition successful:

  • Invest in a platform to gather feedback. Thanks to techie wizards, a variety of platforms are now available to tackle the issue of employee engagement. Software likeOfficevibeVennli, and 15Five allows you to gather meaningful feedback from employees on a regular basis that you can use to make critical business decisions.
  • Coach supervisors on how to respond to feedback. For this process to work, leadership must understand how their reactions to feedback can shut down an employee’s willingness to participate. In those instances when a supervisor responds inappropriately to feedback, you must be willing to take swift action. If employees can’t go to leadership with their concerns, resentment may spread within the ranks.
  • Show employees it’s OK. Such a drastic change in feedback style will be met with some apprehension. However, the best approach is to jump in with both feet and reward people who provide useful feedback. Look for ways to demonstrate how you’re using feedback to implement positive changes so employees see that it’s safe — and even commendable — to be honest.

Removing anonymity allows your employees to become active players in the decision-making process, which can boost their dedication and allow your team to benefit from multiple perspectives. When you open an honest dialogue with employees, you can expand on ideas, gather continual feedback, and arrive at productive solutions to improve your company.

This article originally appeared on Forbes

Using Your Culture to Attract Top Talent – Forbes

organizational empathy

Hopefully, your company culture is helping you retain employees. But is it helping you attract top talent like it should be?

Many businesses overlook how important their cultures are in recruiting valuable employees. By developing an intentional culture that celebrates learning, you can make your business appealing to those interested in joining your driven team.

In this article, Chris Cancialosi discusses how to attract top talent and propel the talent you currently have to reach its full potential.

Forbes: Cross-Training As The Best Defense Against Indispensable Employees

If one team member is unable to get his work done, another should be prepared to step up. So, consider cross-training as your best defense for unforeseen circumstances or relying too much on a sole employee. Not only is this level of strategic planning beneficial for organizational purposes, but it can also help the inner workings of your business. From increased sustainability to efficiency, cross-training ensures that your company — and its employees — will be able to handle whatever challenges may come its way.

If you’re not cross-training your employees, Chris suggests in this article that it may be time to start.