Organizational Culture: An Aphorism is “Worth a Thousand Words”

organizational culture aphorism

In our daily lives and our daily work, we are undoubtedly impacted by subconscious messages that we have been socialized to accept. Often these are reflected in the choice of leaders that our society venerates. Other times, these messages enter our lives via quotes, mottos or aphorisms, such as, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” that are so common they are often cliche.

Though they may seem harmless in everyday use, these mantras are incredibly powerful, simplistic guideposts on our thinking and how we prioritize our time and attention. For example, how many colleagues do you know who seem to operate according to the principle, “if you want something done right, you got to do it yourself?” or, “if you want something done, give it to a busy person?”

Acknowledging the presence of these subconscious beliefs is the first step in making any sort of change; these believed aphorisms might be ingrained in your organizational culture, and/or they might be ingrained in your own modus operandi. For example, in the case of the above mantras, trying to instill a culture of empowerment of staff might be challenging if it’s commonly accepted among the managers in the organization that they need to “do things themselves” if they want things “done right.”

In some organizations, recognizing that this is pervasive and unpacking why managers think that people below them can’t do things “right” might be exactly where to start to facilitate culture change.

What Aphorisms Are Guiding Your Culture?

Knowing what beliefs and behaviors drive your culture is the first step to changing it. Take a few moments and write down some aphorisms that guide your own approach to leadership and life. Then, think of a few that guide your organization.

Once you finish, take a look at some of the common (and not so common) quotes below. How does your agreement (or not) with these statements match up with the current-state of the culture in your organization? How do these mindsets serve you (or not) in your own development as a leader?

Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.

There’s no time like the present

If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got

Perfect is the enemy of the good

Winners never quit and quitters never win

Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.

You can sleep when you’re dead

Time is money

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.

Move fast and break things

Change or die

When the best leader’s work is done the people say, ‘We did it ourselves.’

As you reflect on these statements, It’s also critical to remember the aphorism, “what got you here won’t get you there.” While a reliance on “doing things yourself” could work at certain stages in your development as a leader, or your organization’s development, it might no longer serve you or your organization given the current state. That doesn’t mean that the aphorism isn’t true– it just means that belief in these truths might be holding you or your organization back from operating more optimally.

And if that didn’t convince you to re-examine how aphorisms are subconsciously guiding your thoughts and actions, this statement might: ”Echoes from the walls you build around yourself hurt your ears the most.”

What aphorisms guide your leadership and culture? We’d love to hear from you!

Focus on Your Company Culture, and Earnings Will Follow


What do Google, Wegmans, Build-A-Bear Workshop, and Zappos all have in common? Recently, Fortune ranked the country’s 100 best companies to work for, and after digging deeper into the data, found that culture was a key consideration for employees of most of the organizations on the list.

This isn’t a new idea, and it certainly shouldn’t come as a surprise. After all, we hear a lot about corporate culture these days — praising organizations like these that have a strong corporate culture and lamenting those that don’t.

Organizational culture is still largely misunderstood. Even the idea of a “good” or “bad” culture is a misconception. Corporate cultures cannot be inherently good or bad, though they may certainly be effective or ineffective in helping you drive the performance you’re looking for.

At its core, culture is just a collectively agreed-upon way of doing things that develops over time as people in the organization learn what works and what doesn’t. What most people describe as a toxic or unsupportive culture is really just a system and way of doing things that, at one time, probably helped the organization thrive. As these behaviors become outdated, they become ineffective — and can derail a company.

Many organizations cling to “what’s always been done,” which constantly pushes against innovation; as a result, earnings and other key performance metrics begin to lag. Those dips can make managers do some interesting things in an effort to restore their companies to greatness. As executives become laser-focused on chasing earnings, they may lose sight of the bigger picture. They become focused on treating the surface-level symptoms, never diagnosing the deeper cultural dilemma.

But as Google, Wegmans, Build-A-Bear Workshop, and Zappos all know, your organizational culture impacts your earnings more than you might think.

The Unexamined Culture Is a Potentially Dangerous Thing

Businesses don’t start out with sluggish or hostile cultures, and they certainly don’t last long that way. Businesses that develop a way of doing things that doesn’t work don’t tend to stay in business very long. When you’re not actively assessing and improving your corporate environment, asking for employee feedback, and making necessary changes to stay relevant in your current operating environment, you’re planting the seeds for future failure.

Organizations with high-performing cultures actively invest in their employees. They encourage their teams to share their opinions and ideas and compensate them generously for their work. Ultimate Software CEO Scott Scherr said it best: “The true measure of a company is how they treat their lowest-paid employees.”

That’s not just a feel-good sentiment — employees who feel supported are more loyal and more motivated to come to work every day. When you take care of your employees by encouraging the right behaviors, you’ll create a positive domino effect that will ripple all the way to your customers.

Culture can also serve as a great competitive advantage. Companies that take the time to understand and proactively shape their cultures are able to evolve to meet the demands of their business environments much more quickly and easily than competitors who leave everything to chance. They perform better in the long run because their employees are aligned with their direction, eager to add value, and willing to get on board with any organizational changes.

Empirical research shows that companies that prioritize culture perform better than those that don’t. So why are so many businesses still stuck in ineffective environments? I suspect that many of these leaders know that their companies’ cultures are negatively impacting performance, but they don’t know how to assess — let alone evolve — the behaviors of their employees and align them with their overarching strategies.

How to Build a More Effective Culture

Ideally, your culture should be top of mind before you’ve even formed your company. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way. If you’re wondering how to steer your company’s culture back on track, it’s not too late.

Take an honest assessment. You must be willing to acknowledge your weaknesses to strengthen your company. By figuring out where your culture has gone sour, you can make needed changes to ensure greater employee satisfaction and, ultimately, reap greater financial benefits.

Start a dialogue with your teammates about your current culture. Encourage them to be candid, then brace yourself for an onslaught of (hopefully constructive) criticism. If they haven’t felt comfortable sharing their opinions before, there may be a lot of pent-up frustration waiting to be aired.

Set your ego aside. Be willing to accept that certain methods that served you well in the past might need to be moved to the corporate “museum.” Recognize that it’s time to do some things differently to succeed in a new business environment.

Admitting that some aspects of your business have gotten away from you is, no doubt, humbling. But there are plenty of talented, capable experts who can help you implement positive changes that will ensure your company’s future success.

Engage your team in the cultural reform. Culture is a collective concept, which means lasting change can’t happen without everyone’s help. Invite your employees to offer input at town hall-style meetings, and ask for feedback throughout the process. You’ll notice a shift in the atmosphere as soon as you start acknowledging and implementing employee ideas.

An effective organizational culture is all about clarity and alignment, and if you do it right, it will help you turn a healthy profit. The organizations that are best able to articulate what they stand for inspire their employees to work hard and dedicate themselves to a bigger purpose.

This article originally appeared on Forbes


6 Authentic Leadership Tips For Overcoming Your Fears

authentic leadership tips

Do you lead authentically? If you’re not sure, you’re not alone. Many leaders are beginning to question themselves, especially when tough situations force them to act in ways that don’t align with their true beliefs. When they must juggle different personas across different settings and boundaries, they can start to feel deceptive.

As a leader, you may feel like you’re walking on a delicate tightrope, with your true self on one side and the responsibilities of your position on the other.

The key components of authenticity (self-knowledge, self-awareness, authentic behavior, and self-regulation) mean you have to know who you are historically, be aware of who you are in the moment, align your behavior with your values, and know when and why you deviate from those values. We all like to think that our true self is behind every action, but many leaders don’t do a great job of leading authentically — mostly because practicing authenticity is easier said than done.

I recently teamed up with Taylor Peyton Roberts, Ph.D., and Crystal Dujowich, Ph.D., managing partners and co-founders of Valencore Consulting, to deeply examine this topic. They’re both experts on leadership authenticity and have developed an online assessment called the Role-specific Evaluation of Authenticity in Leaders, or REAL. Their valuable insight into the dangers of inauthenticity and how to be a genuine leader has influenced my own leadership style.

Why Is Authenticity So Hard?

Before we can get into how to be an authentic leader, we have to first understand why authenticity is so difficult to maintain in the workplace.

There are many fears that keep leaders from striving to be their authentic selves, such as exposing a real or imagined weakness, losing respect, or even missing out on an opportunity. To make matters worse, workplace culture, professional subcultures, industry cultures, and even national cultures all exert enormous pressure on leaders to conform. If your views differ from the cultural norm, you may hesitate to express them.

It takes some rock-solid confidence to be able to stick to your guns when they aren’t readily accepted. No one wants to be viewed as “different,” but failing to act authentically has a pretty big downside, too. You may have trouble creating trusting relationships, experience a loss of self-respect and respect from your co-workers, or even get dragged into corporate corruption and scandal.

Tips For Leading Authentically

Leadership is complex work. You’re managing multiple stakeholders with competing values and demanding respect from your team. If those people can’t sense what you stand for as a leader, they’ll lose trust in you. This is especially true in leaders who switch values and decisions based on whomever they’re interacting with at the moment.

If you’re struggling with leading authentically, ask yourself, “What are my core values, and what is the priority of my values?” Once you understand your values, test out these six strategies for authentic leadership:

1. Find a peer with whom you can be fully authentic. Compare your authentic interactions with someone you’re comfortable with to your inauthentic interactions with others. Once you can identify the differences between the two, it will be easier to close that gap.

2. Seek out exemplary leaders in your industry who model authenticity. Having an authentic role model is useful because you can observe how he or she behaves genuinely, then you can incorporate those strategies into your own leadership skills.

3. Take authenticity to a new level by encouraging others to be real. Create a safe environment for others to have a voice. Let employees know you value their opinions. Demonstrate unconditional acceptance by saying things like “I enjoy working with you, and nothing you say to me right now could change that.”

4. Don’t let “being authentic” become a cop-out for individual and professional growth. Always reflect on your behavior in high-pressure situations, and ensure your response was reflective of your “ideal self and highest values.” Challenge yourself to strive for growth.

5. Learn to speak your truth in a positive way. When you’re facing a difference in values, be diplomatic and concise and strip any frustrated emotion out of your voice. One-on-one settings are usually best for delivering feedback on sensitive topics. Follow up afterward to make sure respect is maintained.

6. Accept that 100 percent authenticity isn’t the goal. Total and complete transparency doesn’t always ensure success. In fact, boundaries often help people feel safe. Tune in to your moments of inauthenticity, and learn from them. Build your self-awareness around when and why you’re disingenuous so you can recognize these situations, and experiment with new behaviors when appropriate.

It can be difficult to know when and how to be your authentic self to ensure that you can lead those around you most effectively. When your values conflict with others (or when you have a lot to lose), you may unintentionally do more harm than good by expressing yourself authentically. Still, as a leader, you need to give honest, timely feedback to shape the system you’re in.

Leading authentically isn’t simply about being yourself and living up to your values; sometimes it also means developing the ability to adapt. Understanding true authenticity means that if you need to shift your views and values, you must consider letting go of some aspect of your past self and learn to be authentic to your future self. The quest for authenticity is a long and challenging one, but like any worthwhile goal, you won’t come out of it unchanged.

This article originally appeared on Forbes.


What Makes a Good Manager? 5 Tips For Promoting For Success

what makes a good manager

Have you ever wondered how someone at your company ever became a manager? What is it about that person that made them stand out more than other, more qualified candidates?

Judging from the number of books, papers, and articles written on the topic, you’re not alone.

There are many reasons why so many managers never pan out in the American corporate landscape. Most companies promote based on individual performance; those who work hard get rewarded.  But, this is often an ineffective way of promoting individuals.

We may value hard work and achievement above anything else, but those skills don’t necessarily mean they know how to lead others to be successful.

So, what qualities make a good manager? And how can your organization qualify and support the right people for the job?

Here are 5 tips for finding the right management fit:

1. Find out what their goals are

Not everyone has aspirations for management, and others want to become managers for the wrong reasons. Ask your team who might want to take on those responsibilities. Then, give them a few tasks to see what their real potential is. Natural management skills are not so easy to detect, so you may be surprised to find how their additional responsibilities are handled.

If they excel in those tasks, give more and more gradually. Be sure it doesn’t overburden them while they have to do their regular job, as burnout is a risk.

2. Follow a process

Most corporations don’t have a set process of how leaders are groomed and then promoted. They choose the best ground level employees and reward their successes with a promotion. They think their work ethic will just flow over to their subordinates and everyone below them will follow the behaviors of that individual.

This is rarely the case. Many times these future leaders are not trained in how to effectively oversee a team, and it leads to conflict.

Ensure that you have a process in place to groom your employees to become better managers. This training will help prepare them for success, and cause less friction down the line.

3. Involve them in team building activities

By taking your team on a field trip and run some team building activities, you can often see those have natural abilities to lead others from the way they handle these. Look for those who are not just leading, but nurturing others and encouraging them to do better. These types tend to be the best leaders. Getting people out of their natural settings is a good way to observe their natural behaviors while giving your team a break from their daily routine.

4. How do they handle crisis

When things go wrong in your organization, who can step up and handle the pressure? One key trait of a good leader is to see how well they handle crisis. Many managers spend too much time trying to figure out who to blame or what caused the problem rather than solving it in an effective way. You want a person who can handle stress well.

5. Know when to look outside of your team

There is no perfect science for finding the right managers. In some cases, there might not even be an ideal candidate on the team. It might be best to bring in someone from outside the organization to help manage it. It’s easy to think that the process is personalized that you need someone from the inside or your processes are too complex to bring in a new person to manage. Though, if your process is too complex, it may be a reason in itself to get an outside opinion.

Finding the perfect manager isn’t an exact science, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some logical steps in the process. It’s important to be open with everyone and let them know when a management opportunity is open. When a manager is selected, it’s important to let everyone know why they were selected and work with the team in their transition. Following these steps will help you promote the right managers and set them up for success.

How Disney Turned a Dreaded Trip Into the Experience of a Lifetime

Four days with a 4-year-old at Walt Disney World — the thought turned my blood to ice. I had visions of a thousand things I’d rather do… including eat glass. It had been almost 25 years since I’d last set foot in the Magic Kingdom, and although I had many fond memories of Disney World as a child, I also recalled standing in long lines for hours, baking in the hot summer sun.

The fact that Disney persuaded me to change my tune is impressive, but how the brand did it is the truly astonishing part. It all comes down to two things: the experience and intentionality.

Disney was able to take a potential brand detractor and turn me into a promoter — someone who is now singing its praises. Don’t think for a minute that any of this happened by chance. Disney is intentional about its message and the experience it creates for customers.

Here are a few culture lessons your brand can learn from the Disney experience:

Cast Your Team to Tell Your Story

Disney has built a strong storytelling culture. Staff members aren’t employees; they’re “cast members” who tell the Disney story through their roles. From actors portraying beloved characters to operations workers handling in-park logistics, employees execute the Disney vision flawlessly.

Cast members clearly take pride in being part of the Disney brand and understand how their daily activities support the company and enhance the customer experience.

To effectively tell your company’s story through your employees, you must have a clearly articulated value proposition and engage in an ongoing conversation with employees about how their daily work supports that value proposition.

Empower Employees to Paint Outside the Lines

Disney empowers cast members to reach outside their roles to proactively add to the customer experience whenever possible. As we entered the park, some custodial cast members welcomed us by using their brooms and buckets to paint Disney characters on the ground with water.

Suddenly, a fleeting moment in the warm Orlando sun became a special experience. It was invigorating to see that all cast members, regardless of their roles, had the opportunity to deliver joy to customers in their own unique ways.

Encourage your employees to go beyond their job descriptions and find creative ways to engage customers. This will allow your company to deliver exceptional experiences and create moments of delight at every turn.

Use Technology to Your Advantage

Another arrow in Disney’s quiver is the way it has embraced technology to create a seamless, customized experience. After reserving our trip, a welcome box arrived in the mail containing bracelets embedded with chips that allowed us to do everything from enter our hotel room to purchase food in the park.

To us, this technology was a convenience. But to Disney, it provided a treasure trove of data on my family’s behavior, allowing the company to refine its offerings in real time. In short, Disney’s ability to create a seamless customer experience through technology also allows it to maximize revenue.

Technology isn’t always the answer, but you should look for solutions that help you enhance the customer experience while automating whatever you can. This can reduce human error and create an experience that leaves customers in awe.

Surprise and Delight Your Customers

I can honestly say that Disney “delighted” me. The cast members were always engaged in activities that sent a clear, aligned message. They were overjoyed we were there, and they wanted to ensure that all of our needs were met. The company’s intentionality ensures that even the biggest Disney fans leave feeling like they’ve experienced something that exceeded their expectations.

Remember that I did not want to go to Disney World. I was dreading it. Yes, the visit changed my attitude, and yes, Disney even got me to promote the brand. But the coup de grâce was the fact that the experience was so exceptional that Disney secured my loyalty as a customer. We can’t wait to return.

Surprising and delighting your customers doesn’t have to include laser light shows or Peter Pan on a zip line. Just take a look at your customer experience, and ask your team to identify areas that could be enhanced. You’ll be surprised what your front-line folks have to say about how the experience can be improved.


This article originally appeared on Forbes


How To Help Your Employees Work Together As A Team

work together team

Guest Article Written By Amy Klimek

As the saying goes, two heads are better than one. What that adage fails to elucidate is how those heads don’t always see eye to eye, choosing to bicker rather than complete the project. On the other hand, when your assigned teams are cordial to one another for the sake of formality, everyone suffers. To combat this, it’s time to help them find a better way to work together.

Stop Conflict Immediately

If two or more employees are being less than nice to one another, you need to step in and stop the action immediately. If you don’t, they’ll end up poisoning the rest of the team by involving them in their childish antics. By cutting off the fight before it really gets going, you are sending a clear message to everyone that such behavior will not be tolerated in any form. This message will also work to discourage future issues.

Find the Real Problem

Often, the reason groups don’t get along is not what everyone claims it to be. For example, the team might nag at each other, claiming they are simply tired when the real reason is they are all stressed at home and need a place to vent. By helping each person realize where their negativity is coming from, they can take steps to correct the negative impact it is having on their lives.

Build a Community

Other times, employees might not hate each other, but they might not like each other either. In such cases, it’s up to you to get each person invested in the team as a whole. This means turning their team into a community with shared values and goals. How you do this will vary based on who you work with, but some general ideas include rewarding them together, connecting them directly to one another through digital means or simply holding regular after work get-togethers to build comradery.

Choose a Great Leader

Even though various projects are team built, each team does require a leader. This leader cannot simply be good, they must be great. After all, they are charged with organizing the goals, hitting deadlines and keeping the group united. Without this, the team will easily fall apart through no fault of their own. The best leaders are both task- and relationship-oriented. This means they value both working hard and developing strong emotional ties with their peers. They are quick to adapt to almost all situations, accessing the best orientation for each event.

Exemplify Model Behavior

Though the employees are all adults, they watch what the high level executives do, mimicking the behavior in their own careers because they see it as the behavior that will get them promoted or at least lead to success. Knowing this, it is up to you to shift the upper management toward a collaborative culture that prides itself in strong group work ethic. It’s hypocritical to expect your employees to act differently than what they perceive.

Maintain Accountability

Every person in the team will have their own way of working. This will lead to minor clashes here and there but, for the most part, is not too big of an issue. It only becomes a problem when some members are perceived as lazy or obsessed. To thwart this thinking, include a clear measure of accountability. For many, that is as simple has having due dates for everyone’s projects. If certain employees fail to meet their deadlines, then they should be held accountable for their delay.

Keep Up the Feedback

Never keep your employees in the dark about how they are doing. Whether great or poorly, the better the feedback loop you have in place, the easier it will be for everyone to work together. Resentment builds up when no one is willing to say anything about a problem. By taking the lead and clearly addressing all points of contention and actively working to fix them, you create a workplace relatively free of problems. In addition, such open communication means everyone can course correct throughout the length of the project as opposed to receiving a scathing review about something no one every perceived as a problem.

Reward Good Behavior

Finally, don’t ever forget to show your gratitude for the hard work your employees put in. Though it’s not smart to throw parties every day, it is crucial to make sure your workers have time to blow off steam after a particularly stressful or large project completion. Such a practice does two crucial things. First, it keeps them invested in the company, seeing how much they are cared for. Secondly, it builds and strengthens relationships. Time spent together outside of work often works far better to build a sense of trust and understanding than any hours put in over a conference table.

Amy KlimekAmy Klimek is an experienced HR recruiter and VP of Human Resources for ZipRecruiter, a company that simplifies the hiring process for small to medium size businesses. Prior to that Amy has held similar roles at, eBay and US Interactive.

For Amy, corporate culture isn’t about dogs and free lunches, it’s about empowering employees and creating an enriching environment for people to excel.

Don’t Let Your Passion And Values Erode Employee Motivation

employee motivation

As a leader, it’s your job to help employees figure out what motivates them and link it to their goals and values. But the fact is, you can’t motivate them — at least, not in the way you think — so stop trying.

Recently, I had the chance to sit down with Susan Fowler, author of Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work…and What Does, to discuss motivation. Her work has helped me question the long-held assumption that you can motivate people by imposing your values on them. Rather, you have to try to understand them as human beings.

Chris Cancialosi: Why does trying to motivate employees not work in an entrepreneurial environment?

Susan Fowler: Motivating others doesn’t work in any environment. People are already motivated — just not in the ways you want them to be. The key is to help people understand why they’re motivated in one way or another and help them shift those reasons if need be.

Many entrepreneurs work under one of two fatal assumptions that undermine someone’s optimal motivation:

  • People should share the same values that motivate me.
  • No one can be as optimally motivated as me because I started the company.

As an entrepreneur, it’s important to understand that all employees can experience high levels of motivation, but it will be based on their own values and reasons. Even if employees are motivated by the same values as you, they need to feel like they’re acting from their own values, not ones imposed on them.

Cancialosi: Is there a “best” method to giving startup employees a better sense of purpose?

Fowler: Your employees are your greatest resource, so ask them, “Why are you joining this venture?” “Why do you think it’ll make a difference?” and “Why is it important to be a part of it?”

If the only reason they come up with is “for the money” or “for the upside of making a killing by being on the ground floor of a successful venture,” that’s a red flag. Those employees won’t be able to sustain the positive energy, vitality, or sense of well-being required to make it through the inevitable challenges a startup will face. This is doubly true for the entrepreneur.

Cancialosi: If your employees are already feeling alienated by your attempts to motivate them, is there a way to turn this around?

Fowler: Certainly. In my book, I touch on this topic in the story about salon owner Billy Yamaguchi. He hoped his own values and purpose would rub off on people, but when this didn’t happen, it led to frustration for everyone involved.

Now, he has motivational outlook conversations with people to help them identify their own values and sense of purpose in working for his salons. In fact, I just talked to him last week, and he’s still focusing on helping others develop their values and find their own meaning and purpose in their work.

Cancialosi: In your book, you say, “When employees thrive, leaders don’t need drive.” Can you expand on this?

Fowler: Many managers believe the only way to get results is to drive for them. But evidence points to the contrary. How do you drive for results? Create pressure. But pressure can diminish results and limit both creativity and innovation. People simply cannot sustain high-level productivity under pressure.

Your other option is to hold employees accountable, which makes a statement about trust. People want to be accountable, but there’s a big difference between being accountable and being held accountable. When your needs for autonomy, relatedness, and competence are satisfied, you accept responsibility and take initiative. You go the extra mile for the greatest good, and you continually learn and grow.

If leaders feel like they need to drive for results, I would ask them to question why. Is it because they’re asking people to achieve unfair goals? Is it because they haven’t shared a vision that compels people to work toward its fulfillment?  Is it because what’s being asked and employees’ values aren’t aligned?

The quote from my book, “When employees thrive, leaders don’t need drive,” might also be reversed: “When leaders drive, people will fail to thrive.”

Cancialosi: How can leaders in the startup world recognize when a more hands-on approach is necessary? Is there a way to gauge an employee’s internal drive?

Fowler: People can be driven for suboptimal reasons. Either this drive can’t be sustained or it will negatively affect their well-being over time. It’s best not to make assumptions. Rather, leaders need to have conversations with people asking questions, such as:

  • When you step back and reflect, what do you think or feel about your goals or tasks?
  • How do these tasks or goals align with your personal values?
  • How can these tasks or goals connect to your purpose?
  • What makes this project meaningful for you? What makes it not meaningful?

The leader’s involvement also depends on the person’s level of competence. If the person is new to the task and has never demonstrated competence in the past, you need to be more hands-on. But there’s no reason to be hands-on when that person has demonstrated high competence, is confident in his or her capability, and is optimally motivated.

If leaders learn to have motivational outlook conversations and provide the appropriate leadership style to give people the direction they need (when they need it), they’ll create an optimally motivated workforce that’s passionate about work. Everyday motivation is the key to long-term engagement, where everyone benefits.

Your workplace should be a safe place for people to be authentic. As a leader, it’s up to you to create an environment where your employees have a sense of autonomy, relatedness, and competence. When they feel like their individual values align with their work, they will be acting with a noble purpose that they personally relate to. This is the key to more healthy and sustainable motivation in your organization.

This article originally appeared on Forbes

Building A Sustainable Team Starts With These 3 Foundations

team building

Creating just the right team can be difficult. And once you create one, get all the nuances just right – it’s near impossible to sustain. Yet sustaining teams is a foundational element to any successful effort, program, organization and company. Small businesses. Large businesses. All industries, around the globe.

What makes sustaining an effective team so difficult? In my experience, there are three challenges a team must be able to overcome in order to be effective. Trust is absolutely a factor. Ensuring everyone is pointed towards – and bought into(!) – a common purpose. And, staying steadfast in the face of constant change.


Trust is a topic upon which much is written. My colleague, Chris Cancialosi just wrote about building leadership based on trust. My colleague, Andrea Howe, co-authored the Fieldbook on the topic. Those are great resources, and while I wouldn’t be able to improve upon their words, the importance of trust cannot be overstated.

I’ve seen first hand that the most effective teams are those where trust is established quickly. This allows people to get past concerns related to feeling awkward or self-conscious, and get to the work. How do leaders achieve that?

  • Creating a work environment that is authentic and safe
  • Encouraging people to bring an open mind, getting past their traditional practices and biases
  • Providing people the opportunity to “get real” and enjoy each other as…people!

A Common Purpose

Aligning your team in the pursuit of a common purpose/goal/objective is a second factor. In the absence of that unified approach, the team could (most likely will) flail with no clear sense of direction, process or results. Alignment leads to effectiveness when:

  • Team members are given an opportunity to contribute to determination of the objectives and process
  • Individuals are values for their creativity and innovation
  • Collaboration is encouraged and nurtured

Adapting to Change

Every team will face change. Just as individuals do, teams struggle with handling it effectively. Those teams (and by extension the leaders and individuals within) that are resilient as they meet those changes will be best equipped to handle them. The most resilient teams (and therefore the most sustainable ones):

  • Recognize behavioral patterns and work to disrupt them
  • Tap into the viral nature of ideas and emotions in the workplace
  • Ensure individuals and teams are innovative in thinking and flexible in action

And one of the tools we bring to leaders to help create sustainable teams: improvisational comedy. Not watching it, but rather bringing teams through a series of exercises that generate trust, encourage collaboration and alignment, and develop resilience.

The best practices of improv comedy can be applied to day-to-day business situations.  Team members arm themselves with a style of thinking, listening, communicating, and collaborating that is authentic, inclusive, adaptive, and sustainable.

Cary (@thecarypaul) is a Senior Associate at gothamCulture, and the Chief Improv Officer at The Get Real Project.  Sustaining Teams is a passion of Cary’s, and he’ll be using improv comedy to support those efforts at CBODN, April 24 and 25.


The Secret To Faithfully Delivering On Your Brand Promise

brand promise

Every touchpoint with your audience is an invitation to your brand experience. You set the stage for what they can expect, and if it’s appealing, they’ll agree to see what you have in store.

But when you develop a brand image before firmly establishing it within your organization, you create a potential disconnect between your internal culture and the face of your brand. When your brand promise doesn’t measure up to your audience’s expectations, you won’t just disappoint; you’ll also lose their trust and loyalty.

This misalignment is frustrating for employees, too. If they realize during onboarding that working in your organizational culture is nothing like their expectations, you’ll have dissatisfied employees, lower morale, and higher turnover rates.

Your brand experience needs consistency and reliability to win the trust and loyalty of every stakeholder. If your employees are sending mixed signals about what the brand is, current and future customers simply won’t buy in. To deliver on your brand promise at every level, you need to start from the inside out.

Turning Your Branding Inside Out

As my colleague and branding expert Mark Margolis puts it, inside-out branding is about aligning your internal culture with the way you want to be perceived so you fulfill your brand promise naturally. And when customers have faith in your brand, it will breed trust.

Disney is a great example of this. The brand is all about storytelling, and the deeper fans travel into its world, the more they become a part of the story. Unexpected experiences delight park guests, and new technologies are seamlessly incorporated into the old-fashioned storytelling foundation.

This wouldn’t be the case if every employee didn’t behave in a way that supported the storytelling experience, even in small details.

All leaders want to leave consumers with a good feeling about their brand. Here are a few ways to adopt an inside-out branding approach and faithfully deliver on your brand promise:

  1. Don’t leave things to chance. Every organization establishes an accepted way of doing things over time — a culture. But many workers can’t even define their company’s culture because it hasn’t been carefully created. This is especially problematic with employees who have customer-facing roles. You need to purposefully choose the culture your organization adopts. Being intentional about what you stand for, what is in bounds and what isn’t, and how you collectively want to be defined will help drive your strategy in the right direction.
  2. Include others in the discussion. Culture is a function of group interaction, and you need to approach it this way. Sitting in a room with a small group of leaders will naturally create a culture with time, but it might not be the best fit for your company. Actively involve your staff in the process so everyone agrees on a collective culture.
  3. Acknowledge that your culture may need to change. Your current corporate culture might be successful today, but that doesn’t mean it will continue to serve your company as it evolves over time. Continually assess your culture, along with your brand and strategy, and be ready to adapt when it makes sense for your brand message.
  4. Ask for help. Culture is a complex and intangible part of your organization, which makes it a difficult concept to grasp. It’s OK to seek experts to help create a culture that drives performance, just as you would to develop a marketing or branding strategy.

Your branding efforts are building up consumer expectations about your company; don’t let them crash and burn. Make sure your company actually embodies the qualities and values you’re claiming — inside and out. If you truly practice what you preach, consumers won’t be able to help but trust your brand.

This article originally appeared on Forbes

Can One Dollar An Hour Buy Employee Engagement?

walmart employee engagement

You’ve heard by now that Walmart recently raised their minimum wage to at least $9/hr, and starting this time next year, that number will jump to $10/hr.

There are a lot of responses out there discussing this $1 raise. The discussion ranges from the fact that it’s still not enough to live on, to how great it is for Walmart to take this step in the right direction with other retailers following their lead.

Despite all of the PR, the real reasons behind Walmart’s move are still in question. According to the this article by Paul Krugman, the retail giant is banking on the idea that “paying workers better will lead to reduced turnover, better morale and higher productivity.”

This made us think: Can a dollar an hour buy employee engagement?

We asked our team to offer their thoughts on the matter. Here’s what they had to say:

Arthur Kim, Engagement Manager

arthur-kimWhile raising wages has an immediate increase in morale, it rarely has a lasting effect. To reduce turnover and discontent among the staff, it’s more important to create a strong corporate culture that improves everyday work life.

Chelsea Weber, OD Intern

chelsea-weberThe kind of financial stability that an extra dollar an hour might provide speaks to needs at the core of Maslow’s famous hierarchy: comfort and safety.  In other words, a wage hike speaks to a basic modern human need. Without stability, can you even think about asking employees to engage?

Yet while better pay may increase morale, simply raising wages will not produce a sustained workforce of engaged, motivated employees. Wal-Mart will have to look further.  Employees are liable to stick around if they feel motivated, satisfied, and effective at work, but those feelings rely on the development of intrinsic motivation to be sustainable.

Wal-Mart needs to ask itself: What’s going to make employees excited to come into work each day?  How will they help team members feel like they are contributing to the wider organization, like their voices are heard? How do employees see the results of their work? And how will Wal-Mart connect these answers to strategy and brand to create a feeling of authenticity for team members?

Mark Emerson, General Manager

mark-emersonI don’t think at the end of the day it will change things for Walmart. This is really a macro-economic move on their part. It’s employee retention, plain and simple.

As the largest retail employer in the country, they were forced by competitive pressures to follow other retailers (Gap, etc.) that recently announced wage increases.  The increase next year to $10/hr on average will simply keep them in line with wage pressures as the economy continues to improve.

I am willing to bet that their finance team got together, ran the numbers, and realized that $2/hour was less than the cost of current turnover and this (not any other feel-good reason) was behind the move.  The fact that they got good PR and the unions temporarily off their back is an added bonus.

There is an upside and a downside (isn’t there always?).  The upside is that Walmart, in many cases, is the largest employer in many parts of the country and their employees tend to be stuck, in that their options are extremely limited by geography and, in many cases, education. For those employees stuck at Walmart, a raise is a raise and 20% over the next two years is pretty significant.

In addition, Walmart’s raises will have an even more positive effect as this decision will force other retailers and fast food restaurants to raise their wages to stay above them. After all, people actually do say, “well, I could always work at Walmart!”

The downside is that, for many folks, they didn’t like working at Walmart before the raise, and chances are they won’t like working there after the raise.  I doubt I will visit my local Walmart and find the employees noticeably more engaged.  And with the wages rising outside of Walmart, I expect that the impact will be muted.

I can’t help always comparing them to Costco. While there are many differences that don’t allow for fair comparisons, the fact is that Costco employees feel a part of a team and are treated like team members and not parts in a machine.  It is the culture of Walmart that impedes them in being even more successful.

‘Always low prices’ is a great slogan for customers, but the dehumanizing effect it has on employees is something that Walmart is still not getting right.

Pamela Farago, OD Intern

pamela-farago“Always low prices. Always.” does not need to translate into, “Always low wages. Always.”

Wal-Mart supported this idea with its recent wage increase for a half million workers. Paying workers better has, indeed, been shown to lead to reduced turnover, better morale, and higher productivity in the workplace. The money that a company spends on a wage increase comes back to more than pay for itself in the long run.

Wage increases in the long run, however, can be both a friend and a potential adversary. What happens when the novelty of the wage increase wears off? At this point, despite being paid more, workers may revert back to their old morale and productivity levels.

This leaves not only Wal-Mart, but also all other businesses, to contend with answering the more difficult question of: how can workers be continually motivated when their wages become stagnant? While there is no answer as of yet, potential solutions may lie in a system of rewards and bonuses that workers can continually strive for, rather than a base pay increase.

Always high incentives. Always.

What Do You Think?

Have you been reading all the news about this $1 pay hike and the slew of other retailers following Walmart’s footsteps? How do you think $1 an hour really affects employee engagement levels? We’d love to hear your thoughts!